【問題】ELLE RUN with Style風格路跑?推薦回答


(原書:好感鄉村風格計畫 封面修訂版)   從17坪公寓~200坪別墅,郭璇如設計師加入個性的鄉村風設計提案   從配色+建材+家具+飾品的「變位搭法」,讓家的小地方簡化、大面積更豐富!   你的第一本鄉村風練習本,開始設計佈置一個比電影場景更美好的居家生活吧!   自己買雜貨、花布擺起來的樣子就是不對……,鄉村風該怎麼做才能真正到位呢?   與其模仿不如搞懂為什麼,獨創清新派鄉村風的郭...

作者:Noel, Gabrielle Alexa

Gabrielle Alexa Noel is a writer, digital creator, and software developer whose work has appeared in the Huffington Post, Playboy, LGBTQ Nation, and more. She covers topics within dating/relationsh...

作者:Loban, Michael,Yastrebenetsky, Alex

作者:Bally, Chinelo

Chinelo Bally is a Nigerian-born Brit with an overly healthy appetite for fashion and sewing. In 2014, Chinelo appeared on the BBC’s Great British Sewing Bee, where she wowed judges and fellow cont...
