【問題】Yoga revolved triangle pose?推薦回答

作者:Kain, Susan

作者:Kiernan, Charice

作者:Cook, Peter

作者:Kids, National Geographic

TARA STILES is the founder of Strala Yoga, the revolutionary approach to being, moving, and healing. Strala is practiced in more than 100 countries and thousands of guides are leading Strala classe...

作者:Hinder, Sarah Jane

Yoga Bunny幼兒瑜珈 身心靈平衡遊戲‧體驗親子互動的美好時刻!   翻開這本可愛的硬頁書,假想自己是書頁上畫的那隻有毛茸茸尾巴的小兔子,動動你的小鼻子…小兔兔,你能試著說出自己聞到了哪些味道嗎?   現在,我們要學書上的小朋友那樣,盤起你的腿,扮演一隻安靜的小浣熊,緩緩地breath in,breath out,讓孩子模仿的同時,也帶入簡易的英文短句。   全書的插圖能有效幫...

作者:Lehmkuhl, Lynn

Lynn Lehmkuhl is a registered yoga teacher with additional specialized training in chair yoga and therapeutic yoga. In 2015, she trained with the preeminent chair yoga teacher, Lakshmi Voelker, in ...
