【問題】Barbell lunge?推薦回答


Trained in body imaging with a subspecialty in 3D/4D ultrasound, Dr. Bard has been performing chest imaging from a military wartime trauma setting since 1970 and advancing the clinical applications...


Dr. Kamal Dua is a Lecturer in the Discipline of Pharmacy at the Graduate School of Health, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia. He has a research experience of over 12 years in the fi...

作者:Popper, Helmut

Helmut H. Popper gained his medical degree from the University of Graz, Austria, and subsequently undertook residency and fellowship training at the Institute of Pathology at the university. In 198...

作者:Twiddy, Robin


肌力訓練者必讀經典,沒有之一。 ★亞馬遜1400則評價,至高5星榮譽 ★全球狂銷50萬冊 ★怪獸肌力及體能訓練中心總教練  何立安審定   《肌力訓練聖經:基礎槓鈴教程》只會介紹五項最有用的槓鈴動作:   蹲舉、推舉、臥推、硬舉和爆發上膊。   作者奠基於科學和數據之上精益求精,   系統、邏輯性地講解五種基本動作和槓鈴訓練體系,   但凡是自由重量訓練初學者會問的問題,本書幾乎都有所解。...


  ~40歲後完整的「運動處方」與「訓練計畫」~   嚴守紀律、努力訓練並憑藉一點運氣,   便可以將衰老壓縮成生命週期中非常小的一小部分。   無論處於哪個年齡,我們都應該像力竭前的最終反覆那樣,   強壯、有力、有用,並堅持到底。   ★怪獸肌力及體能訓練中心總教練何立安、國立臺灣大學外文系講師王啟安聯合審定   ★怪獸肌力及體能訓練中心總教練何立安 審定序   《槓鈴處方》帶領我們直...


Dr. Hemanshu Prabhakar, MBBS, holds an MD from the IGMC Nagpur, and a PhD from All India Institute of Medical Sciences. He is currently a Professor at the Department of Neuroanaesthesiology and Cr...

作者:Harrison, Roberto

Roberto Harrison is a visual artist and poet. His books include Yaviza, Bridge of the World, culebra, bicycle, Counter Daemons, and Os, along with many chapbooks. He coedited the poetry journal Cra...

