【問題】平板支撐ring fit?推薦回答

作者:Thayne, Raeanne


Sammy Wright is a high school teacher and administrator. He was brought up in Scotland, worked in London for twelve years, and now lives in north England. He is a member of the Social Mobility Comm...

作者:Rushmore, Jenny

Jenny Rushmore is the founder and creative director of Cashmerette, the leading sewing company focused on curvy and plus size women. In 2015, Jenny left an international corporate career to spread ...

作者:Garcia, Emilio,Vale, Brenda,Vale, Robert

Emilio Garcia is an architect and urban designer. Since 2013 he has been working as a Lecturer in sustainability and resilience at the School of Architecture and Planning in The University of Auckl...

作者:Lin, Grace

Grace Lin, a New York Times best-selling author/illustrator, won the Caldecott Honor for A Big Mooncake for Little Star, the Newbery Honor for Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, and the Theodor Gei...

作者:Lindsey, Julie Anne

作者:Bartley, Helen Elizabeth

Pati Palmer, dubbed the FIT EXPERT by sewers around the world, has been inducted into The American Sewing Guild’s Sewers Hall of Fame. She is the author of 10 sewing books, editor/publisher of 23 m...


  專屬寶寶的平板電腦,20個公主童話隨身帶著走!   「公主平板故事機」收錄20個有趣的公主故事,並搭配20冊撕不破小小書,為孩子朗讀、說故事、唱兒歌,進而啟發、引導孩子愛上閱讀!   搭配有聲平板故事機器,給孩子趣味的互動式閱讀,培養孩子閱讀習慣,踏出獨立閱讀的第一步!   每個孩子的童年,都需要經典童話的陪伴,這些故事為孩子帶來了感動、歡樂與夢想。   ★精選20個公主童話   ◎長...


給孩子趣味的互動式閱讀, 讓孩子養成閱讀習慣,踏出獨立閱讀的第一步!   每個孩子的童年,都需要經典童話的陪伴,這些故事為孩子帶來了感動、歡樂與夢想。「幼兒平板故事機」收錄20個最經典的童話故事,並搭配20冊撕不破小小書,為孩子朗讀、說故事、唱兒歌,進而啓發、引導孩子愛上閱讀!   專屬寶寶的平板電腦,20個童話隨身帶著走!   1. 多功能故事機   具伴讀功能,點選「閱讀鍵」和「數...


《上榜考生:觀念推導詳細!寫的清楚!真的推薦!》 《收錄最多最完整試題的貨銀工具書(103年起各銀行試題皆收錄在VIP專區)》 ☆上榜考生‧使用推薦‧解題密技‧傾囊相授☆ ☆對應考題‧全新改版‧輕鬆學習‧快速上手☆   貨幣銀行學(含概要)是金融基測(FIT)的考科之一,同時做為99%以上官股民營銀行都必考的一科,貨幣銀行學對大多數沒有底子的考生與讀者來說或許稍有難度,因為別看每家銀行的貨...


有意識的飲食是讓人們活得更有意義的起點。 專業健身教練/超人氣部落客Michelle,親身實證分享全植物蔬食如何改變了她的生活,透過選擇「原型穀物」、「當季蔬果」、「簡易烹調」,就能感受截然不同的身心愉悅,小毛病不藥而癒,睡眠深沉,精神滿足,體態纖盈,增強免疫力,對地球友善,與自然友好,身心更健康美麗,迎接嶄新的每一天! 有意識的飲食,Youre what you eat 近年全球興起...

作者:Thayne, Raeanne

