
作者:Young, Ethan

2016 REUBEN AWARD WINNER - BEST GRAPHIC NOVEL After the bombs fell and shook the walls of Nanjing, the Imperial Japanese Army entered and seized the Chinese capital. Through the dust of the demoli...

作者:Ward, Julian

In this, the first full-length study in English of China's best-known travel writer, new light is shed on the importance of the diaries of Xu Xiake (1587-1687) a compulsive traveller who spent a li...

作者:Mather, Phil

With a Haynes manual, you can do it yourself ?¬ from simple maintenance to basic repairs. Haynes writes every book based on a complete teardown of the vehicle. We learn the best ways to do a job a...

作者:Gruzinski, Serge/ Birrell, Jean (TRN)

In this important new book the renowned historian Serge Gruzinski returns to two episodes in the sixteenth century which mark a decisive stage in global history and show how China and Mexico experi...


★《防彈飲食》作者第二波,首刷十萬冊,甫出版即登上《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜、Wall Street Journal非小說類暢銷書第五名、全美各大媒體熱訪中 ★美國亞馬遜4.5星暢銷書,近兩百位讀者熱評   你的大腦不是因年齡而退化,而是因為你錯誤的飲食、毒素和不良生活方式,把腦力榨乾了!讓腦力提升的關鍵,就是要讓更多的能量能夠被大腦利用。   「一直到二十世紀末期,科學家才發現所謂的「神...

作者:Andreae, Giles/ Parker-Rees, Guy (ILT)/ Williams, Billy Dee (NRT)

此為平裝繪本+CD版本   ◎ 出版超過二十年,全球銷售超過二百萬冊   ◎ 藍彼得圖書獎提名   ◎ 理查與朱迪獎提名   ◎ 謝菲爾德圖書推薦   學不會,不是呆頭呆腦,「自信心」,比IQ更重要!   找到適合自己的學習方法,相信自己做得到,你,就是最出色的!   當孩子對自己沒信心,因為不被肯定而退縮時,當父母的要怎麼做呢?   吉兒是森林裡的高個子動物,腳又細又長,全身還有漂亮...

作者:Ward, Julian

In this, the first full-length study in English of China's best-known travel writer, new light is shed on the importance of the diaries of Xu Xiake (1587-1687) a compulsive traveller who spent a li...

作者:Reid, Daniel

A practical guide to preventing and treating the toxic assault on our bodies - Shows how the practices of periodic detox and "rational retox" can counteract the toxic nature of our modern lifestyle...

作者:Gruzinski, Serge/ Birrell, Jean (TRN)

In this important new book the renowned historian Serge Gruzinski returns to two episodes in the sixteenth century which mark a decisive stage in global history and show how China and Mexico experi...


  本書將筆者二十年來寶貴的教學經驗配合最近十年來國內外腦內學習的臨床研究報告所歸納出來的下列簡單六大學習步驟,破除國人學習英語很困難的迷思。 *學習者一定要反覆聽大聲朗誦! *學習者每一個句子重覆聽大聲朗讀16次! *學習者一定要利用零碎時間學習並啟動語言學習的機制! *學習者一定要隨時尋找個人化的例句並有系統地記錄! *學習者一定要有「複讀及聽寫」能力,培養聽說讀寫面面俱到! *學習者一...

作者:Kite, Gerad/ Puddicombe, Andy (FRW)

Gerad Kite was a therapist for years before realizing all the talk and analysis weren't making a lasting difference in the lives of his patients. So he quit his practice and looked for a new way to...

作者:Morningstar, Sally

The future holds many surprises. Making the most of its exciting possibilities means trying to be aware of the forces that work to shape our paths ahead. This is a comprehensive book that will guid...

作者:Podolsky, Lee (COP)

Guild Repertoire is divided into three levels, Elementary, Intermediate, and Preparatory (Advanced). Each level is divided into four categories: Classics (includes Baroque), Sonatina (Sonata), Roma...

作者:Johnson, Cody

"Cody Johnson beautifully balances historical knowledge with cutting-edge science to produce a thoroughly enjoyable and enlightening read which paints a holistic picture of the risks and benefits o...

作者:Young, Ethan

2016 REUBEN AWARD WINNER - BEST GRAPHIC NOVEL After the bombs fell and shook the walls of Nanjing, the Imperial Japanese Army entered and seized the Chinese capital. Through the dust of the demoli...

