【問題】reverse plank variations?推薦回答


Florian Grosser teaches in the Visual & Critical Studies Program at California College of the Arts, San Francisco and in the Department of Philosophy at the University of California, Berkeley. His ...


Dr. Jason Fung is a New York Times-bestselling author of many books. He completed medical school at the University of Toronto and a fellowship in nephrology at the University of California. He is t...


  ・紐約時報暢銷書榜第1名!   ・華爾街日報暢銷書榜第1名!   ・亞馬遜總榜第1名!   ・翻譯成24國語文!     本書創新提出ReCODE療程,步驟清楚,以「改變生活方式」為核心,告訴我們如何留意自己的維生素、荷爾蒙、發炎、口腔衛生、睡眠、壓力等多個指標,翻轉了我們對阿茲海默症的理解。     自2016年以來,作者在全球7個國家培訓超過450位醫生、神經心理學家、護理師、健康教...

作者:Rothschild, Michael

作者:Panda, Satchin

Satchin Panda, PhD, is a leading expert in the field of circadian rhythm research. He is a professor at the Salk Institute and a founding executive member of the Center for Circadian Biology at the...

作者:Gilead, Amihud

Amihud Gilead was born in Jerusalem in 1947. He is a Professor Emeritus at the Department of philosophy, the University of Haifa. For many years, his main research was devoted to the study of the h...


  脂肪肝,最沉默的流行病   據統計,全台每2位上班族,就有1人有脂肪肝   80%的肝炎、肝硬化、肝癌的初期徵兆,都是脂肪肝!      肝臟是健康的基石,一旦肝臟出問題,身體就會像斷了電的工廠徹底停擺。然而,現代人不良的飲食習慣和生活作息,不僅造成許多人身體「肥胖」,也讓「脂肪肝」成為一種流行病。只不過,身體的肥胖看得見,脂肪肝卻長期被忽略……      ■脂肪肝,就是肝臟的肥胖症  ...

作者:Harris-Pincus, Lauren

Lauren Harris-Pincus, MS, RDN, is a nutrition communications specialist, speaker, spokesperson, and Registered Dietitian in private practice. She is the founder and owner of Nutrition Starring YOU,...

作者:Kaplan, Brian,Kaplan, Hephzibah

Brian Kaplan qualified as a medical doctor in 1980. Since then he has spent many years training in whole person approaches to health, well-being, and personal development, including counseling, psy...

作者:Cadwallader, Arianna,McKinnon, Cathy

Arianna Cadwallader has a degree in Costume Interpretation and has previously worked on costumes for films including the Harry Potter series. She appeared on Channel 4’s This Old Thing and worked w...

作者:Wakefield, Dayton

Wakefield Dayton, Hilarie Bio: Hilarie Wakefield Dayton learned to sew as a young girl. After college, she designed a women’s fashion line and later designed custom wedding gowns and veils. Today s...

作者:Heller, Dave

Dave Heller has written and reported on sports for more than 25 years for a myriad of national newspapers, magazine and websites. He has published three previous books on sports history. He lives i...

作者:Powers, Richard

作者:Dewald, Jaydn

