
作者:Wesson, Joss Smith

A hard-hitting bipolar disorder memoir nevertheless full of dark humour, 'A Touch of Bipolar' tells a story of love and loss, and one man's struggle to regain mental clarity, overcoming depression ...

作者:Chang, S. R.

A TIME-TESTED METHOD OF RECEIVING CLEAR AND ACCURATE ANSWERS The I Ching (pronounced as Yi Jing) is the oldest oracle in the world. It has been used as a system of divination and fortune telling in...


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  ★超過30,000粉絲,最受信賴的媽咪寶寶孕養粉絲團!   ★服務逾1,000位孕媽咪,媽咪最強後援╳神隊友來了!   ★圖表秒懂!懷孕到寶寶2歲,新手父母最常見的37問!    ★親繪插圖QA專欄孕產必備表單!助你順產好安心!    ★【特別收錄】寶寶手語教學(圖解+影音QRcode)     從懷孕開始,孩子的任何事都讓人馬虎不得,   身體的變化又多又快,箇中辛苦,生過的人才懂。 ...

作者:Tan, Adrian James, Ph.D./ Brignole, Doug

Million Dollar Muscle is a unique anthology, co-authored by a "gym rat" with a Ph.D. in Sociology and a former competitive bodybuilder, fitness expert, and entrepreneur. The book offers a sociologi...

作者:Schneider, Dorothee

Aspiring immigrants to the United States make many separate border crossings in their quest to become Americans--in their home towns, ports of departure, U.S. border stations, and in American neigh...

