The Clear-Cut I Ching for Beginners: The Easiest Way to Get Clear and Accurate Answers Using the Chinese Divination Oracle | 運動資訊第一站 - 2024年7月

The Clear-Cut I Ching for Beginners: The Easiest Way to Get Clear and Accurate Answers Using the Chinese Divination Oracle

作者:Chang, S. R.

A TIME-TESTED METHOD OF RECEIVING CLEAR AND ACCURATE ANSWERS The I Ching (pronounced as Yi Jing) is the oldest oracle in the world. It has been used as a system of divination and fortune telling in China for over 3,500 years. Although the West has known about the I Ching for over 300 years, thus far the only readily available translations to the Western world have been the Zhou-Yi or the Zhou Dynasty version of the I Ching. Zhou-Yi texts are terse and cryptic. The interpretations and the meanings from these texts can vary greatly. When used for the purposes of divination and fortune telling, the Zhou-Yi verses are unclear and subject to open interpretations. Even as far back as over 2,000 years ago, people wanted more. They wanted clear and actionable answers from the I Ching; thus, the Clear-Cut Method of the I Ching was born. AVAILABLE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ENGLISH The Clear-Cut Method of the I Ching incorporates the tools of five elements, heavenly stems, earthly branches, six relations, six moods, the Self, the Other, and many more. It shares many fundamental principles with other holistic systems such as Fengshui and Chinese astrology. It is the best method to glimpse the future. It is a closely guarded method used by many highly paid Chinese I Ching consultants to give remarkable predictions and guidance. SIMPLE TO LEARN, EASY TO UNDERSTAND, RECEIVE DIRECT ANSWERS IN MINUTES With only this book and three minutes, you will receive clear and candid answers to twenty-five (25) of life's most common questions. Questions such as Getting A New Job, Changing Jobs or Career, Short-Term Monetary Prospect, Health & Fitness, New and Existing Romantic Relationships, and many more. This book is a guide to self-discovery and personal growth.
