
作者:Kristina, Julia

Julia Kristina has a masters degree in counselling psychology. She is a therapist, a master mind-management coach, a researcher, a speaker, and the creator of the Breakthrough Coaching Program. She...

作者:Strong, John S.

John S. Strong is the Charles A. Dana Emeritus Professor of Religious Studies at Bates College. He is the author of several books, including Relics of the Buddha and Buddhisms: An Introduction.

作者:Michaels, Katharine Ogden

Katharine Ogden Michaels is the lead writer of The Gambler, a 1997 dramatic film written in collaboration with famed Director Karoly Makk, that won awards at the Brussels, Emden, and Festroia-Troia...

作者:Herbert, Tim

Tim Herbert is a Rhode Island based business owner, keynote speaker, writer and workshop facilitator. Tim currently serves as CEO and Founder of Trilix, a business and technology consulting firm. W...

作者:Cela, Krissy

Krissy Cela is a fitness powerhouse, posting fitness videos to her social media and building a huge fanbase of strong women (and men!). She turned to fitness to help her relax while juggling legal ...

作者:Thiessen, Celesta

作者:Jane, Laura

作者:Moore, Alan

Alan Moore is perhaps the most acclaimed writer in the graphic story medium, having garnered countless awards for works such as Watchmen, V for Vendetta, Swamp Thing, and Miracleman. He is also the...

作者:Eke, David Ben

作者:Strong-Boag, Veronica

Veronica Strong-Boag is professor emerita of educational studies at the University of British Columbia, adjunct professor of history and gender studies at the University of Victoria, and the genera...

作者:Boergers, Richard,Gingerelli, Angelo

Richard Boergers is a certified athletic trainer (ATC) through the National Athletic Training Association (NATA) and earned a doctorate degree from Seton Hall University in Health Science with a co...


  ★美國知名老年學、內科權威醫生暢銷經典   ★銷售突破200萬冊、被翻譯成20多種語言   ★《紐約時報》、《華爾街日報》、《今日美國》(USA Today)、《出版人週刊》暢銷書、亞馬遜破四星好評、廣大讀者證實有效     80歲阿公照樣能享受衝浪、滑雪等極限運動!   你無法停止年紀增長,但你可以決定怎麼過熟齡生活!   無論你幾歲,只要從今天開始做到七件事,   就能打破年齡限制,...


臀部肌群──女性肌肉力量的來源! 臀部越強壯,曲線就越美,肌肉越精實   連健身教練都找他請教!世界知名翹臀大師布瑞特‧康崔拉斯   累積20年肌電圖科學研究+健身訓練實證經驗之大成   教你用最少的時間,打造出最強壯結實又充滿曲線美的身材   ───專為女性設計打造,男性也同樣適用───   ◎你將學會:   ‧不必整天待在健身房,就能練就夢寐以求的身材。   ‧認識臀部肌群對基礎動作...


  工作與生活的分界愈來愈模糊,我們需要涵蓋人生不同部分的工作新哲學!   生涯規劃是累積出自己想要的人生,而不只是換到讓人羨慕的工作。   在快速汰換年代,找到持續推進專業的動力,在生涯不同階段都有最適落點。   你想過現代人大概工作多少年嗎?45年!而且40歲之後花在工作的時間,比40歲之前還多。   你知道人生財富累積最快是在什麼時候嗎?40歲以後,40歲以前累積到的財富只有6...

