
作者:Moritz, Andreas

In Heal Yourself with Sunlight, Andreas Moritz has provided scientific evidence that sunlight is essential for good health, and that a lack of sun exposure can be held responsible for many of today...

作者:Chia, Mantak

An illustrated guide to releasing emotional and physical blockages in the pelvic area through massage - Presents step-by-step instructions for sexual organ massages for women and men - Explains tec...

作者:Sparrowe, Linda/ Walden, Patricia/ Lasater, Judith Hanson, Ph.D. (FRW)/ Martinez, David (PHT)

The Woman's Book of Yoga and Health is the first comprehensive book about women's health issues and how to treat them with yoga. The authors offer a complete yoga program for general health as wel...

作者:Carter, Mildred/ Weber, Tammy

Mildred Carter's reflexology techniques have helped millions of people all over the world live happy, healthy lives, gloriously free of pain and discomfort. Simple, safe, and effective, her time-te...

作者:Marquardt, Hanne/ Lett, Ann Callard (TRN)/ Myint, Nikolas Win (TRN)

The classic reflexology reference with new material and new illustrations - Includes an expanded list of ailments and treatments, new case studies, and new material on symptoms, new zone discoverie...

作者:Fishman, Loren/ Ardman, Carol

Dr. Loren M. Fishman, a specialist in rehabilitation medicine who has been using yoga in his medical practice for thirty years, studied yoga in India for a year with B. K. S. Iyengar and is an inte...

作者:Egoscue, Pete/ Gittines, Roger (CON)

Starting today, you don't have to live in pain.That is the revolutionary message of this breakthrough system for eliminating chronic pain without drugs, surgery, or expensive physical therapy. Deve...

作者:McConnell Ba, Bt Diane,Fiore Ba, Nd Judith

Are you fed up with being fat and sick? Have you had it with taking pharmaceuticals for high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, indigestion, constipation, back pain, sciatica and o...

作者:Kidawski, Christopher J.

50% OFF FOR THE HOLIDAYS Get the book helping thousands of people eliminate their low back pain permanently ELIMINATE YOUR BACK PAIN WITHOUT DRUGS, NEEDLES, SURGERY, OR CHIROPRACTIC What would b...

作者:Odoul, Michel/ Cain, Jack (TRN)/ Médynski, Thierry, M.d. (FRW)

Reveals the precise correspondences between specific emotional and mental tensions and the illnesses and traumas of the body - Explains how physical complaints--energetic disturbances that lead to ...

作者:Publishing, M. S. D.

Discover What All This Hype is about in 15 Minutes or Less Learn How to Heal Your Toughest Pains with This Amazing Alternative Medicine-Now Featuring The Second Edition So You've Tried Everythin...

作者:Griggs, Nancy/ Griggs, Jeff (ILT)

Do you suffer from shoulder pain, TMJ or headaches that have stubbornly refused to respond to any type of treatment? Do you experience sciatica, hip or knee pain that has yet to be corrected throug...


如果人體是一部電腦,我們終於找到重灌作業系統的方法了! 量子觸療再升級,誰都可以立即上手!   ★暢銷書《量子觸療好簡單!》作者 理查.葛登,震撼新作   ★台灣身心能量健康協會前理事長 林時維醫師,專業譯筆   減少疼痛+加速療癒+針對身體特定部位+完全不需碰觸   +可同時療癒多人+穿越時空的身心自療   新人類作業系統、基本療癒應用程式,革命性技術大公開!   消除肌肉筋膜疼痛...

作者:Griggs, Nancy/ Griggs, Jeff (ILT)

Do you suffer from shoulder pain, TMJ or headaches that have stubbornly refused to respond to any type of treatment? Do you experience sciatica, hip or knee pain that has yet to be corrected throug...

作者:Mercati, Maria

A full-color, illustrated guide to Chinese tui na massage techniques for whole-body health - Demonstrates each of the 15 unique Tui Na techniques with rich full-color photos and step-by-step instru...

