

擁有「兒科身心」專科的中醫師,首度公開育兒祕方。 本書以中西醫結合的模式,說明中醫統整概念及調養方式, 教導父母如何聆聽孩子身體與心理的聲音, 為日後的成長打下穩固根基。   先天來不及,至少後天調養要從小做起!   四大分類,幫助父母掌握孩子發育成長不心慌!   【生活習慣與發育不卡關】   兒童食育‧正確開脾‧增高轉骨‧性早熟‧生理痛‧視力保健   【流行疾病速退散】   流...


Diana K. Schwam, writer and strategic marketing consultant, has authored numerous books articles about New Orleans. She followed a familiar path to the city: vacation; enrapture; home-ownership; we...


Pauline Frommer started traveling with her guidebook-writing parents at the age of four months and hasn’t stopped since. She is the Editorial Director for the Frommer Guidebooks and Frommers.com, a...


  年度運勢書第一品牌、華人界最具影響力占星師   2021大趨勢+12星座年度運勢&提升之道+12星座每月運勢   深入你心靈,詮釋你所經歷,引導你即將面對   充滿人權難題與流派之爭的水瓶時代   經歷了2020年的土象威脅,身體健康、政治動盪、企業存亡動搖了所有人的生活……,震撼尚未止息的此刻,又馬上迎來「木土同進水瓶」的課題,上天指令明確,劍指「人的問題」而來,人際關係、人權問題、...


Meredith Pratt is an avid traveler, writer, art lover and a Washingtonian for more than 15 years. During that time she has seen the capital change from a stodgy political town to a more vibrant, co...


Jason Cochran was twice awarded Guide Book of the Year by the Lowell Thomas Awards(Society of American Travel Writers) and once by the North American Travel Journalists Association. His voice has r...


Tom Copeland, JD, is a renowned tax and child care business specialist. A licensed attorney, he trains thousands of family child care providers, trainers, and tax preparers each year on important b...


Jason Cochran was twice awarded Guide Book of the Year by the Lowell Thomas Awards(Society of American Travel Writers) and once by the North American Travel Journalists Association. His voice has r...

作者:Cho, Dong-Sung,Moon, Hwy-Chang

作者:Komunyakaa, Yusef

Yusef Komunyakaa’s books of poetry include The Emperor of Water Clocks, Testimony: A Tribute to Charlie Parker, The Chameleon Couch, Warhorses, Taboo, TalkingDirtytotheGods, and NeonVernacular, for...

