

  什麼是現代性?什麼是後現代?   二者有何關聯?未來動向如何?   與當代社會文化景象有何關聯?   這些都是思考當代社會現象必將面對的問題。後現代性預設了現代性,現代性錨定後現代性,唯有理解現代性才能定位後現代性。然而弔詭的是,晚近對現代性的關注及研究,卻是從後現代性的興趣及角度出發的。本書從省察現代性及現代化入手,首章蘊涵了一種史觀,即從現代性的觀點來看近代西方與非西方(主要是臺灣...

作者:Vermeir, Nico

Nico Vermeir is a Microsoft MVP in the field of Windows Development. He works as a Solution Architect at Inetum-Realdolmen Belgium since 2010. He spends a lot of time on keeping up with the rapidly...

作者:Inoue, Makoto

Born in Hokkaido, Japan, Hiromu Arakawa first attracted attention in 1999 with her award-winning manga Stray Dog. Her series Fullmetal Alchemist was serialized from 2001 to 2010 with a story that s...

作者:Melville, Herman

Herman Melville was an American novelist, short story writer, and poet. He also worked as a schoolteacher, clerk, and sailor, and his writing was not well known at the time of his death; however, ...

作者:Jeglic, Elizabeth,Calkins, Cynthia

Elizabeth Jeglic, PhD, is a professor, clinical psychologist, and mother of three young children. She has authored over sixty articles and book chapters on sexual violence prevention, as well as c...

作者:Tynion IV, James


  羅曼羅蘭曾說:「累累的心靈創傷,就是生命給你的最好東,因為,每個創傷上面都標誌著邁向成功之路的記號。」的確,平靜的湖面,練不出精幹水牛,安逸的環境,造就不出劃時代的英雄,因此,如果我們有朝一日功成名就,第一個要感謝的人,當然是曾經折磨過自己的人。  伽利略曾經寫道:「生命有如鐵砧,愈被敲打,愈能生出火花。」  其實,在人生的過程當中,受盡折磨和艱苦,並非壞事,因為,有什麼樣的經驗,結果就...

作者:Urban, Chieu Anh

Chiêu Anh Urban is an author, illustrator, graphic designer, and format designer who specializes in developing innovative formats and interactive books for the very young. Chiêu’s novelty books inc...

作者:Kusaka, Hidenori

Hidenori Kusaka is the writer for Pokémon Adventures. Running continuously for over 20 years, Pokémon Adventures is the only manga series to completely cover all the Pokémon games and has become on...



作者:Hinekure, Wataru

作者:Sullivan, Tim

Tim Sullivan is an acclaimed screenwriter and television director. He has now embarked on a series of crime novels featuring the eccentric and socially-awkward, but brilliantly persistent DS George...

作者:Márquez, Melissa Cristina

Melissa Cristina Mrquez is a fiercely proud Hispanic marine biologist, wildlife educator, professional speaker and presenter, and freelance environmental contributor. Recently, Melissa was featured...

作者:Polydoros, Lori

Lori Polydoros has been writing for children for over twenty years and educating for almost thirty. She currently teaches high school and community college English while writing for children. She i...

