【問題】plank climbers benefits?推薦回答


Dr Hannah Wilson is Clinical Psychology Lead and Head of Clinical Governance for Kooth PLC, which uses technology to help create new ways for people to access mental health support and treatment. S...


  ★榮獲鸚鵡螺圖書獎銀牌   ★美國亞馬遜★★★★★五星好評   ★《紐約時報》暢銷作家群齊聲推薦     瑪丹娜、Lady Gaga、葛妮絲‧派特洛都愛喝!   歐美爆紅健康飲料「康普茶」,一杯增強免疫、瘦身、抗老!     ☆台灣第一本專業康普茶完全指南☆   原料解析╳釀造技術╳調味密技╳獨家食譜╳創意運用   全美知名康普茶權威的養菌、釀造、調味、運用全解說,   教你輕鬆自釀康普...

作者:Sharp, Ronald Farrington

Ronald Farrington Sharp, Esquire, has practiced family and estate law since 1975 after attending the University of Michigan and Wayne State University Law Schools. He has personally prepared over ...


《誰說人是理性的!》最發人深省的續集 《紐約時報》、《出版人週刊》、《科克斯評論》專文推薦 ★★★★Amazon.com商業理財百大暢銷書   繼《誰說人是理性的!》之後,丹‧艾瑞利這次要你徹底利用非理性行為,讓你在職場與情場、工作與生活,更聰明、更快樂!   為何巨額獎金反而導致CEO工作績效不彰?為何「報復」對我們這麼重要?為何我們「認為」會讓我們快樂的事以及「真正」讓我們快樂的事之...


Megh R. Goyal, PhD, PE, is a Retired Professor in Agricultural and Biomedical Engineering from the General Engineering Department in the College of Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico-Maya...


|詹偉雄 策畫・選書.導讀──臉譜出版2020年全新山岳文學書系meters 作品| 「戰爭的殘酷鍛鍊出他們的堅忍與毅力。 所有登山菁英背後的故事相去不遠:歷史強化了他們的身體與心智。 他們不單是登山家──他們是『波蘭』的登山家。」 出版後囊括全球山岳、自然文學類大獎 博德曼─塔斯克山岳文學獎得主.加拿大山岳文學名家柏娜黛.麥當勞經典巨著 記錄下於國族苦難後浴火而出,攀上世界巨峰,一群波...

作者:Oh, Jae

Jae W. Oh, MBA, CFP is a chartered life underwriter and a chartered financial consultant. He is the managing principal of GH2 Benefits, based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, with individual and commercial ...

作者:Kogan, Mikhail,Liebmann-Smith, Joan

Mikhail Kogan, M.D., is the medical director of the George Washington University Center for Integrative Medicine and associate professor of medicine at the George Washington University School of M...

作者:Hoda, Takaaki,Dasher, Richard B.

Takaaki Hoda is a professor of corporate finance, entrepreneurial finance, and social finance at the Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe University, Japan. He is also a visiting schola...
