Conor O’Reilly is Associate Professor in Transnational Crime and Security at the University of Leeds.
Up-to-date edition of Computational Geomechanics, broadening the focus of the first edition to include more applicationsThis extended second edition of the highly successful book Computational Geom...
「嗚嗚…我連呼吸都會胖!」 「別怕,現在4周有感,只要使用正確的走路姿勢, 輕鬆擊退激凸小腹 × 粗O型腿 × 肥滿身體曲線的書來了!並且男性女性都適用!」 \日本AMAZON讀者食好逗相報推薦/ 「享瘦步行法」的真諦在於「正確走路」。 「走路」是日常基本動作,但很多人卻在不知不覺間養成不良習慣。也因為這樣導致肌肉不足、關節位置不正,而成為全身肌肉失衡的原因。 戒除壞...
★號外!臉書盛傳「腿粗VS.腿細,關鍵在腳趾」的日本權威醫師出書了! ★驚爆!身體90%的疼痛,原來都是因為「腿部歪斜」! ★獨家!日本超過10萬人親身實證,腿一正,痠痛僵硬不再來! 執業40年的骨科醫學博士才知道的「不痠痛直腿密技」! 透過再簡單不過的「走路方法」X「直腿伸展操」 讓肩頸痠痛、頭痛、腹瀉、腰痠背痛、手腳冰冷、生理痛等90%的症頭都能改善! 不...
Street-cool visual artist-cum-nightlife guru, Andre Saraiva, whose life dovetails into graffiti subculture, chic jet-setting, and the fashion world, presents an intimate, autobiographical visual di...
Devin O. Pendas is Associate Professor of History at Boston College, USA.
Devin O. Pendas is Associate Professor of History at Boston College, USA.
IAN O’CONNOR is an award-winning and highly regarded national sports columnist for ESPN.com. He’s the author of the New York Times bestseller Belichick as well as The Captain, Arnie & Jack, and The...
Raj Chada - Partner, Hodge Jones and Allen LLPLaura O’Brien - Solicitor, Hodge Jones and AllenJoel Bennathan QC, Doughty Street ChambersErimnaz Mushtaq - Barrister, Doughty Street Chambers
Over the past decade, there has been an explosion in the number of new drugs being developed for the treatment of cancer. This has become particularly true in the case of lymphoma. However, what fr...
Priyanka Sengupta has worked with Ras Al Khaimah Tourism, Dubai Tourism, and Tourism Ireland as a PR consultant, as well as with many luxury hospitality brands including Jumeirah, Hilton, and Marri...
Love and tragedy converge in a seaside town in The High Road, a newly reissued novel from Edna O''Brien, the author of Girl, and "one of the most celebrated writers in the English language" (NPR''s...
Seamas O’Reilly is a columnist for the Observer and writes about media and politics for the Irish Times, New Statesman, Guts and VICE. He lives in Hackney with his family.