【問題】Osgood-Schlatter disease?推薦回答


[21世紀最權威的預防醫學鉅作,熱銷全球的健康禮物書] 2016年美國亞馬遜網站百大暢銷書 Goodreads 4000名讀者熱烈好評 全球發行超過33國語言版本   吳映蓉、歐陽英、潘懷宗、王明勇、楊淑惠、賴基銘、陳芊穎──專業推薦   ★最新實證的救命飲食法,都在這一本!★   整理全世界營養學臨床研究   替你釐清食物的所有矛盾訊息   教你每天都可輕鬆實踐的無病飲食法,搭配每日飲...

作者:Kompf, Justin

Justin Kompf has worked in the fitness industry since 2009 as a college strength and conditioning coach and personal trainer. He has an MS in Exercise Science and is working on completing his PhD i...


  流感、病毒快速襲來,你的免疫力擋得住嗎?   超級免疫力就是啟動體內的超級英雄防禦模式──讓你幾乎不再生病。   而且更重要的一點是,從普通免疫力升級為超級免疫力能夠救你一命。     更多的醫療照護不是健康的真正解答!     ★傅爾曼醫生7次榮獲紐約時報暢銷書作者,專精於透過營養與天然的方式來預防、逆轉疾病。     在後疫情時代,疫苗、醫療防護都跟不上快速...

作者:Gopalan, Chaya


  原來我們所認為的「健康飲食」、「蔬果飲食」,正是讓人類生病的源頭!   過敏、疲勞、關節炎、腸躁症、腎臟病……可能都是來自於你的飲食!   美國權威營養學醫師──史提芬‧岡德里(Dr. Steven R Gundry M.D.),帶來全新徹底顛覆飲食思維的科普知識!   美國Amazon網站書籍總榜TOP 2!   《紐約時報》非文學類書籍榜第2名!   Amazon網站健康類>疾病與...

作者:李維麟(William LiMD)

瀏覽破千萬TED演講「我們能藉著飲食餓死癌症嗎?」講者 美國抗癌名醫李維麟的首本著作 以科學的角度解析食物的抗病力量, 用好食物餓死你的疾病,餵養你的健康! ※生酮飲食、綠拿鐵、無麩質、30天全食療法皆適用※   ■如何靠吃擊敗疾病?──吃「對的」食物,能提升身體五大防禦系統   本書作者李維麟博士致力於疾病預防科學,研究出只要鞏固身體5大防禦系統(血管新生、再生、微生物體、DNA...


Pallavi Singh Chauhan, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior, India, as well as a researcher. Her research focuses on the ...

作者:Wright, Henry W.

Dr. Henry W. Wright (1944-2019) was the president and founder of Be in Health Global. He was exposed to the power of God’s healing at an early age when his mother was miraculously cured of terminal...

作者:Wright, Henry W.

Dr. Henry W. Wright (1944-2019) was the president and founder of Be in Health Global. He was exposed to the power of God’s healing at an early age when his mother was miraculously cured of terminal...


DR. MICHAEL ROIZEN, M.D. (Shaker Heights, Ohio) is the Chief Wellness Officer ermitus at the Cleveland Clinic, Chief Medical Consultant on The Dr. Oz Show, author of four #1 New York Times bestsell...

