【問題】Left vs Right: 腦訓練?推薦回答

作者:Mageau, Owen

作者:Feffer, John

John Feffer is the director of Foreign Policy In Focus at the Institute for Policy Studies. He is the author of Aftershock: A Journey through Eastern Europe’s Broken Dreams (Zed, 2017) and the nove...


Lee Trepanier is professor of political science at Saginaw Valley State University. Grant Havers is professor of philosophy and political studies at Trinity Western University.

作者:Roozekrans, Joost

Joost Roozekrans is a designer, creative director and senior design lecturer based in the Hague, The Netherlands. He has worked as a design professional for 30 years in The Netherlands, United King...

作者:Feffer, John

John Feffer is the director of Foreign Policy In Focus at the Institute for Policy Studies. He is the author of Aftershock: A Journey through Eastern Europe’s Broken Dreams (Zed, 2017) and the nove...

作者:Glosserman, Kristen

For a solid decade, Kristen Glosserman - "The Possibilities Expert" - has coached numerous successful corporations and individuals to maximize their strengths and capabilities, including executives...

作者:Berengere, Loren

作者:Park Hye-young Jeon Ji-won Joseph Bazil Manietta

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3~4歲以上適用 全腦開發訓練遊戲書3in1 【觀察力+邏輯力+專注力】 一次學習到位     ▲   N次寫,N次擦,可重複書寫   專為學齡前幼兒所設計的環保練習本 系列   ※隨冊附:水性學習筆 或 印章學習筆1枝※   (顏色隨機出貨,恕不挑款)   ▲     ◆全腦開發《觀察力訓練遊戲書》     七大主題,帶孩子從遊戲中學習——     ‧關聯性→相關性+觀察配對   ‧拼拼圖...


  1.    本系列書籍依照兒童智能發展的過程編寫而成,家長可依照孩子年齡或程度挑選。   2.    本系列書籍以活潑有趣的題目作為引導,讓孩子在遊戲中學習知識、發展能力、提升智能。   3.    本系列書籍內容包含語言、數學、生活等智能範疇的學習,並有觀察、推理、記憶、創意等能力之訓練。   4.    每個活動頁面均附有學習目標與教導指引,供家長了解、使用。   5.    書末均...

