【問題】Incinerate Pokémon?推薦回答


Jeanette Lane grew up in the Midwest, climbing trees and riding horses. In college, she spent a semester in Japan long before Pokémon were on her radar. These days, she lives in Brooklyn, New York,...

作者:Kusaka, Hidenori

Hidenori Kusaka is the writer for VIZ Media’s Pokémon Adventures. Running continuously for over 20 years, Pokémon Adventures is the only manga series to completely cover all the Pokémon games and h...


  長年窩在房裡的少年艾克斯,以及他的4名童年玩伴。   隨著傳說神奇寶貝——伊裴爾塔爾與哲爾尼亞斯的出現,   他們和平的日常生活突然宣告終結!   紅衣軍團,以及神祕的手環!   經歷謎團吸引謎團的事件之後,5人從故鄉踏上旅途! 本書特色   改編自超人氣電玩遊戲《神奇寶貝》XY系列。以遊戲《神奇寶貝》的世界觀為背景,描繪出精采的故事劇情與對戰,廣受讀者喜愛。 作者簡介 ...


  搭乘直升機的艾克斯一行人,遭到大批空中訓練家襲擊,   直升機緊急迫降!難以忍受三番兩次追擊,   眾人終於下定決心,展開反擊。   拯救受到操縱的朝香鎮民眾,阻止敵人的野心!   最終兵器的啟動已經迫在眉睫!! 本書特色   ●改編自超人氣電玩遊戲《神奇寶貝》XY系列。以遊戲《神奇寶貝》的世界觀為背景,描繪出精采的故事劇情與對戰,廣受讀者喜愛。   ●青文數位漫畫誌《無限誌》每月...


  神奇寶貝系列最新作「Ω紅寶石.α藍寶石」!   其中最具衝擊性的篇章──   「EpisodeΔ」漫畫化終於啟動!   三名豐緣圖鑑持有人挑戰「星球危機」那究竟是!?   故事劇情為「最後的倒數十天」…!!!! 本書特色   1.最知名電玩《神奇寶貝》改編漫畫!   2.《神奇寶貝特別篇》系列之第13章,路比、莎菲雅跟米拉特再度登場,挑戰星球危機的倒數十天!   3.連載超過10年,...


  紀念神奇寶貝20週年,最知名電玩《神奇寶貝》改編漫畫《神奇寶貝特別篇》的第一本美術畫集!   網羅由山本智老師開始作畫的「金.銀.水晶篇」到最新連載中的   「X.Y篇」以及「終極紅寶石.原始藍寶石篇」各種經典的彩稿、線稿、草稿,   還有收錄由山本智老師與日下秀憲老師也有參與企劃的遊戲《神奇寶貝保育家》系列   之角色設定還有遊戲插圖,在加上夢幻漫畫《神奇寶貝保育家the Comic》...


  艾克斯一行人抵達了大都市密阿雷市。   就在眾人擔憂敵人不知會潛伏何處時,   好不容易才抵達研究所,可是…   接二連三明朗的超進化關鍵要素!!   少年少女們的逃避之旅迅速進入佳境!!!    本書特色          ●改編自超人氣電玩遊戲《神奇寶貝》XY系列。以遊戲《神奇寶貝》的世界觀為背景,描繪出精采的故事劇情與對戰,廣受讀者喜愛。   ●青文數位漫畫誌《無限誌》每月第4週人...


  在黑次的追捕下,七賢人接二連三落網!   可是電漿團執行作戰的速度卻比黑次的動作更快,   最後飛天旗艦.等離子驅逐艦終於現身!!   從高空冷凍合眾地方的龍.酋雷姆更深的謎團又是!?   另一方面,隱藏的人際關係接二連三明朗!屆時白慈將會…   讓人屏息的發展,SP第十一章!即將勇闖敵營!!! 本書特色   1.最知名電玩《神奇寶貝》改編漫畫!   2.日本連載超過20年,在台累積...

作者:Daye, Evie

Evie Daye grew up playing the Pokémon card game and watching the show with her brothers. Though she loves too many of the Pokémon to name, some of her favorites are Togepi, Wigglytuff, and Umbreon....

作者:Kusaka, Hidenori

Hidenori Kusaka is the writer for VIZ Media’s Pokémon Adventures. Running continuously for over 20 years, Pokémon Adventures is the only manga series to completely cover all the Pokémon games and h...


Neriko Musha Doerr is professor in the Salameno School of American and International Studies at Ramapo College. Debra Occhi is professor of anthropology at Miyazaki International College

作者:Whitehill, Simcha

Over her two-decade-long career, Simcha has written for Pokémon, Disney, Nick Jr., and Nickelodeon. It all started when Simcha was a student at New York University, where she landed an internship a...

作者:Whitehill, Simcha

Over her two-decade-long career, Simcha has written for Pokemon, Disney, Nick Jr., and Nickelodeon. It all started when Simcha was a student at New York University, where she landed an internship a...

作者:Somers, Sabrina

Sabrina Somers is a designer of crochet patterns, with a love for amigurumi. She is the author of Pocket Amigurumi for Search Press. She lives with her son and two cats in Amsterdam, Netherlands.


We believe in the power of discovery. That’s why we create books for everyone that explore ideas and nurture curiosity about the world we live in. From first words to the Big Bang, from the wonder...
