

Yi-Ning Wang- Chief physician, Supervisor of PhD and post-doctoral students- Vice Chair of the Department of Radiology at PUMC Hospital- Vice Chair of the Younger Committee Member of the radiology ...

作者:Abidi, Ali,Singh, S. K.

This book focuses on novel approaches for thoracic computed tomography (CT) image registration and determination of respiratory motion models in inter- and intra-patient scenarios. It discusses the...

作者:Kristen M. Waterstram-RichPaul E. Christian

掌握核子醫學與PET/CT最新的操作程序與技術   新版全方位指南在操作程序與技術上,提供核子醫學所有層面最頂尖的資訊,範圍包括相關的解剖與生理學,並討論適合於所需放射性藥物與儀器特定使用的每個程序。第七版全面更新,MRI為新章節是其特色之一,並提供實用、針對操作程序按步驟的說明等。   ‧磁振造影的原理是新的章節,提供MRI以及其與核子醫學的關係之基礎知識。   ‧在身體系統各章的程序...

