Ragdoll | 運動資訊第一站 - 2024年11月
★ 英國Trapeze出版社48小時內用六位數英鎊簽下的超級新人
★ 32國版權售出,處女作隨即攻占英國《週日泰晤士報》、德國《明鏡周刊》、荷蘭暢銷榜前十名,英美亞馬遜網站四星評價
★ 2017英國犯罪小說作家協會約翰.克雷西新血匕首獎決選入圍作
綽號「沃夫」的警探威廉.佛克斯是個令長官頭痛的麻煩人物,情緒管理不佳的他曾在法庭上出拳毆打無罪釋放的被告,只因沃夫強烈認定對方百分之百是殺人凶 手、全靠辯護律師對自己的栽贓抹黑才得以脫身。重回警界的沃夫這次得好好收斂脾氣,擔任保護「預告中的被害者」工作──這一切,得從幾天前聲名大噪的「布 娃娃殺手」所犯下的凶行說起。
老舊公寓的挑高房間裡懸吊著一具屍體,卻是由六名被害人的部分身軀縫綴而成,消息一出立刻引發廣泛的討 論與恐慌:這六名死者是誰?凶手為何要做出如此殘暴異常的行為?此時,新聞臺記者收到一封來信,裡頭夾有命案現場照和一份列有六個姓名的清單,每個名字後 面都標註了日期,顯然是凶手的犯罪預告:這六個人將會是犯人製作下一具「布娃娃」的材料,而第一位受害者的死亡截止時間只剩不到二十四小時──這個人竟是 大名鼎鼎的倫敦市長!
即使用盡各種周延的保護方式,倫敦警方仍阻擋不了凶手惡魔般的精巧殺戮,甚至懷疑是否有內應相助。這是一場宛如 貓捉老鼠的死亡遊戲,眼見清單上的活人愈來愈少,名列最後一人的警探沃夫的處境也愈來愈艱困,逼迫他的不只是上級給予的壓力與攸關性命的危機,還包括了他 得正面迎擊的黑暗記憶……
★ 《布娃娃殺手》打從一開始便抓住我的目光直到故事結束,精湛的懸疑小說。──英國圖書館匕首獎得主 彼得.羅賓森
★ 丹尼爾.柯爾用《布娃娃殺手》一書在文壇踏出驚人的、後勢看好的第一步,令人緊張不安的精采故事。幹得好,柯爾先生。──《順流而下》作者 約翰.哈特
★ 精采萬分、令人喘不過氣的驚悚小說。喜愛電影《火線追緝令》的讀者,一定會愛上這部作品。──《這次輪到你》作者 M. J. 亞歷基
★ 《布娃娃殺手》讓人一翻頁就欲罷不能,有個性鮮明的角色和凶手,也有你從未見識過的逆轉結局,我這輩子閱讀過的處女作當中,這本排名第一好看!──《桃色殺機》作者 瑞秋.艾布特
★ 不管用什麼手段,想盡辦法也要弄到一本來讀!──《目擊者》作者 林伍德.巴克萊
★ 《布娃娃殺手》是一部好上手的故事,角色超吸睛、情節夠巧妙、場面好俐落,頗有電影《終極警探》的暢快感。──暢銷小說家 梅爾.薛雷特
★ 生來要吃這行飯的未來之星。──暢銷小說家 西蒙.托因
★ 《布娃娃殺手》有個惡魔般的智慧型連續殺人犯,周遭有個叫人難忘又加了獨家配方的全新主角在緊迫盯人。我等不及看丹尼爾.柯爾的下一部作品了。──暢銷小說家 梅森.克羅斯
★ 氣氛叫人毛骨悚然,情節一再峰迴路轉,會讓人失控上癮的傑作……我根本無法把《布娃娃殺手》放下手。──暢銷小說家 麗莎.海爾
★ 好厲害的處女作!柯爾擅用尋找真凶身分的形形色色方式堆砌出懸疑緊張感,讓人捨不得放下書。──《出版人周刊》
★ 一本節奏明快、情節緊張、極富刺激性的驚悚小說,以發生在倫敦的命案揭開序幕,呈現一具從六個受害人身上截肢的殘骸所拼湊而成的屍體。──《每日郵報》
★ 聰明的、心理糾纏的黑暗故事。──《書單》雜誌
★ 好久沒讀到那麼刺激的驚悚小說處女作了。──《Heat》雜誌
★ 幾乎篤定拿下今年最佳驚悚小說處女作!──《Metro》雜誌
William Fawkes, a controversial detective known as The Wolf, has just been reinstated to his post after he was suspended for assaulting a vindicated suspect. Still under psychological evaluation, Fawkes returns to the force eager for a big case. When his former partner and friend, Detective Emily Baxter, calls him to a crime scene, he’s sure this is it: the body is made of the dismembered parts of six victims, sewn together like a puppet—a corpse that becomes known as “The Ragdoll.”
Fawkes is tasked with identifying the six victims, but that gets dicey when his reporter ex-wife anonymously receives photographs from the crime scene, along with a list of six names, and the dates on which the Ragdoll Killer plans to murder them.
The final name on the list is Fawkes.
Baxter and her trainee partner, Alex Edmunds, hone in on figuring out what links the victims together before the killer strikes again. But for Fawkes, seeing his name on the list sparks a dark memory, and he fears that the catalyst for these killings has more to do with him—and his past—than anyone realizes.
With a breakneck pace, a twisty plot, and a wicked sense of humor, Ragdoll announces the arrival of the hottest new brand in crime fiction.
Critical Praise
“Briskly paced. . . . Cole’s grim yet humorous first novel offers a fresh take on British detective drama that is bound to attract admirers of Robert Galbraith and Clare Mackintosh.” — Library Journal
“A smart, psychologically complex read. Think Luther (BBC) meets Harry Bosch, and toss in some dark, old-country folklore for good measure.” — Booklist
“[A] strong first novel. . . . Cole uses the rising tension and the mystery of the killer’s true identity to create a page-turning narrative.” — Publishers Weekly
“Daniel Cole’s Ragdoll is a bold first step in what is liable to be a spectacular career. Disturbing, taut and compelling, this book took me down the rabbit hole as only the best of thrillers can. Bravo, Mr. Cole.” — John Hart, bestselling author of Redemption Road
“I’d give an arm or a leg to get hold of Ragdoll. . . . An exciting thriller.” — Linwood Barclay, bestselling author of the Promise Falls trilogy
“A star is born. Killer plot. Killer pace. Twisted killer and a killer twist. Kill to get a copy.” — Simon Toyne, author of Solomon Creed
“A gruesome delight! Daniel Cole’s thriller Ragdoll, in which gritty detective William “Wolf” Fawkes comes upon a single corpse stitched together out of six bodies, had me flipping pages furiously. It’s an impressive debut, dark, propulsive, and surprisingly funny.” — Gregg Hurwitz, bestselling author of Orphan X
丹尼爾.柯爾 Daniel Cole
Daniel Cole has worked as a paramedic, an RSPCA officer, and most recently for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. Ragdoll is his first novel. He lives in Bournemouth, England.