納米薄膜分析基礎(英文版) | 運動資訊第一站 - 2024年7月


作者:[美]阿爾弗德(AlfordT.L.)等 編著

現代科學技術(從材料科學到集成電路)已深入到納米層次。從薄膜到場效應傳感器,研究的重點是如何把尺度從微米量級減小到納米量級。納米薄膜分析一書主要研究了材料表面及從表面到幾十乃至100納米深的結構與構成。主要討論了用入射粒子和光子來量化結構並進行成分和深度分析的材料表征方法。  本書討論了通過入射光子或粒子刻蝕納米材料來表征材料的方法,入射的粒子能夠激發出可測的粒子或光子,這正是表征材料的依據,納米尺度材料分析實驗會用到大量入射粒子與待測粒子束的相互作用。其中較重要的有原子碰撞、盧瑟福背散射、離子遂道、衍射、光子吸收、輻射與非輻射陽縣躍遷以及核反應。本書詳細介紹了各種分析和掃描探針顯微技術。

Preface1. An Overview:Concepts,Units,and the Bohr Atom1.1 Introduction1.2 Nomenclature1.3 Energies,Units,and Particles1.4 Particle-Wave Duality and Lattice Spacing1.5 The Bohr ModelProblems2. Atomic Collisions and Backscattering Spectrometry2.1 Introduction2.2 Kinematics of Elastic Collisions2.3 Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry2.4 Scattering Cross Section and Impact Parameter2.5 Central Force Scattering2.6 Scattering Cross Section:Two-Body2.7 Deviations from Rutherford Scattering at Low and High Energy2.8 Low-Energy Ion Scattering2.9 Forward Recoil Spectrometry2.10 Center of Mass to Laboratory TransformationProblems3. Energy Loss of Light Ions and Backscattering Depth Profiles3.1 Introduction3.2 General Picture of Energy Loss and Units of Energy Loss3.3 Energy Loss of MeV Light Ions in Solids3.4 Energy Loss in Compounds Bragg’’s Rule3.5 The Energy Width in Backscattering3.6 The Shape of the Backscattering Spectrum3.7 Depth Profiles with Rutherford Scattering3.8 Depth Resolution and Energy-Loss Straggling3.9 Hydrogen and Deuterium Depth Profiles3.10 Ranges of H and He Ions3.11 Sputtering and Limits to Sensitivity3.12 Summary of Scattering RelationsProblems4. Sputter Depth Profiles and Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy4.1 Introduction4.2 Sputtering by Ion Bombardment—General Concepts4.3 Nuclear Energy Loss4.4 Sputtering Yield4.5 Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS)4.6 Secondary Neutral Mass Spectroscopy (SNMS) 4.7 Preferential Sputtering and Depth Profiles4.8 Interface Broadening and Ion Mixing4.9 Thomas-Fermi Statistical Model of the AtomProblems5. Ion Channeling5.1 Introduction5.2 Channeling in Single Crystals5.3 Lattice Location of Impurities in Crystals5.4 Channeling Flux Distributions 895.5 Surface Interaction via a Two-Atom Model5.6 The Surface Peak5.7 Substrate Shadowing:Epitaxial Au on Ag(111) 5.8 Epitaxial Growth5.9 Thin Film AnalysisProblems6. Electron-Electron Interactions and the Depth Sensitivity of Electron Spectroscopies6.1 Introduction6.2 Electron Spectroscopies:Energy Analysis6.3 Escape Depth and Detected Volume6.4 Inelastic Electron-Electron Collisions6.5 Electron Impact Ionization Cross Section6.6 Plasmons6.7 The Electron Mean Free Path6.8 Influence of Thin Film Morphology on Electron Attenuation6.9 Range of Electrons in Solids6.10 Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS)6.11 BremsstrahlungProblems7. X-ray Diffraction7.1 Introduction7.2 Bragg’’s Law in Real Space7.3 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Measurements7.4 Texture Measurements in Polycrystalline Thin Films7.5 Strain Measurements in Epitaxial Layers7.6 Crystalline Structure7.7 Allowed Reflections and Relative IntensitiesProblems8. Electron Diffraction8.1 Introduction8.2 Reciprocal Space8.3 Laue Equations8.4 Bragg’’s Law8.5 Ewald Sphere Synthesis8.6 The Electron Microscope8.7 Indexing Diffraction PatternsProblems9. Photon Absorption in Solids and EXAFS9.1 Introduction9.2 The Schrodinger Equation9.3 Wave Functions9.4 Quantum Numbers,Electron Configuration,and Notation9.5 Transition Probability9.6 Photoelectric Effect Square-Well Approximation9.7 Photoelectric Transition Probability for a Hydrogenic Atom9.8 X-ray Absorption9.9 Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS)9.10 Time-Dependent Perturbation TheoryProblems10. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy10.1 Introduction10.2 Experimental Considerations10.3 Kinetic Energy of Photoelectrons10.4 Photoelectron Energy Spectrum10.5 Binding Energy and Final-State Effects10.6 Binding Energy Shifts—Chemical Shifts10.7 Quantitative AnalysisProblems11. Radiative Transitions and the Electron Microprobe11.1 Introduction11.2 Nomenclature in X-Ray Spectroscopy11.3 Dipole Selection Rules11.4 Electron Microprobe11.5 Transition Rate for Spontaneous Emission11.6 Transition Rate for Kα Emission in Ni11.7 Electron Microprobe:Quantitative Analysis11.8 Particle-Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE)11.9 Evaluation of the Transition Probability for Radiative Transitions11.10 Calculation of the Kβ/Kα RatioProblems12. Nonradiative Transitions and Auger Electron Spectroscopy12.1 Introduction12.2 Auger Transitions12.3 Yield of Auger Electrons and Fluorescence Yield12.4 Atomic Level Width and Lifetimes12.5 Auger Electron Spectroscopy12.6 Quantitative Analysis12.7 Auger Depth ProfilesProblems13. Nuclear Techniques:Activation Analysis and Prompt Radiation Analysis13.1 Introduction13.2 Q Values and Kinetic Energies13.3 Radioactive Decay13.4 Radioactive Decay Law13.5 Radionuclide Production13.6 Activation Analysis13.7 Prompt Radiation AnalysisProblems14. Scanning Probe Microscopy14.1 Introduction14.2 Scanning Tunneling Microscopy14.3 Atomic Force MicroscopyAppendix 1. Km for 4He+ as Projectile and Integer Target MassAppendix 2. Rutherford Scattering Cross Section of the Elements for 1 MeV4HeiAppendix 3. 4He+ Stopping Cross SectionsAppendix 4. Electron Configurations and Ionization Potentials of AtomsAppendix 5. Atomic Scattering FactorsAppendix 6. Electron Binding EnergiesAppendix 7. X-Ray Wavelengths (nm)Appendix 8. Mass Absorption Coefficient and DensitiesAppendix 9. KLL Auger Energies (eV)Appendix 10. Table of the ElementsAppendix 11. Table of Fluoresence Yields for K,L,and M ShellsAppendix 12. Physical Constants,Conversions,and Useful CombinationsAppendix 13. AcronymsIndex

對於國內的物理學工作者和青年學生來講,研讀國外優秀的物理學著作是系統掌握物理學知識的一個重要手段。但是,在國內並不能及時、方便地買到國外的圖書,且國外圖書不菲的價格往往令國內的讀者卻步,因此,把國外的優秀物理原著引進到國內,讓國內的讀者能夠方便地以較低的價格購買是一項意義深遠的工作,將有助於國內物理學工作者和青年學生掌握國際物理學的前沿知識,進而推動我國物理學科研和教學的發展。 為了滿足國內讀者對國外優秀物理學著作的需求,科學出版社啟動了引進國外優秀著作的工作,出版社這一舉措得到了國內物理學界的積極響應和支持,很快成立了專家委員會,開展了選題的推薦和篩選工作,在出版社初造的書單基礎上確定了第一批引進的項目,這些圖書幾乎涉及了近代物理學的所有領域,既有闡述學科基本理論的經典名著,也有反映某一學科專題前沿的專著。在選擇圖書時,專家委員會遵循了以下原則:基礎理論方面的圖書強調「經典」,選擇了那些經得起時間檢驗、對物理學的發展產生重要影響、現在還不「過時」的著作(如:狄拉克的《量子力學原理》)。反映物理學某一領域進展的著作強調「前沿」和「熱點」,根據國內物理學研究發展的實際情況,選擇了能夠體現相關學科最新進展,對有關方向的科研人員和研究生有重要參考價值的圖書。這些圖書都是最新版的,多數圖書都是2000年以后出版的,還有相當一部分是2006年出版的新書。因此,這套叢書具有權威性、前瞻性和應用性強的特點。由於國外出版社的要求,科學出版社對部分圖書進行了少量的翻譯和注釋(並且是目錄標題和練習題),但這並不會影響圖書「原汁原味」的感覺,可能還會方便國內讀者的閱讀和理解。 「他山之石,可以攻玉」,希望這套叢書的出版能夠為國內物理學工作者和青年學生的工作和學習提供參考,也希望國內更多專家參與到這一工作中來,推薦更多的好書。
