
作者:Guttmann, Allen/ Thompson, Lee

In this first synthetic, comprehensive survey of Japanese sports in English, the authors are attentive to the complex and fascinating interaction of traditional and modern elements. In the course o...

作者:Paolini, Christopher

 美國暢銷小說家克里斯多夫.鮑里尼與《龍騎士》系列小說  歷時十二年  售出49國版權  全球熱銷2500萬冊  雄踞全球各大書店暢銷排行榜      全世界都在等待的結局,你怎麼能錯過?      《龍騎士四部曲:最後榮耀》精采最終章,榮耀降臨!      一開始,龍族誕生,他們的鱗片像寶石,非比尋常的美麗,讓仰望者望塵莫及。他們單獨居住在奧俄蓋西亞,歷經數不清的世代。一場叛變,屠殺了每一...

作者:Stanton, Joe Todd

When Kai grows tired of her bookish mum not being adventurous enough for a Brownstone, she decides to seek out the mischievous and rebellious Monkey King - who she's always been told to stay away f...

作者:Leadbeater, David

The Lost Kingdom is the latest in the breathtaking Matt Drake series, packed with enough action to keep you reading long into the night. These books should be read in the correct order. In 1945 Chi...

作者:Levi, Steven C.

In this lively narrative with its numerous illustrations and photographs, Steven C. Levi captures the color and the riches of the Alaska Gold Rush and tells the stories of the larger-than-life char...

作者:Soister, John T.

A number of thrillers made in the 1920s and 1930s have become available again thanks to new technology. There are a few, however, that remain elusive to most, if not all, movie buffs. This book cov...

作者:Revensen, Jody

Dementors and House-elves, merpeople and Chinese Fireball Dragons--these are just a few of the magical creatures and frightening monsters populating J. K. Rowling's wizarding world. Harry Potter: T...

作者:Dehai, Huang/ Jing, Xiang/ Dinghao, Zhang/ Blishen, Tony (TRN)

Illustrated Myths & Legends of China is a profusely illustrated collection of 32 carefully chosen tales of Chinese myth and legend.With more than 100 illustrations drawn over two thousand years of ...

