【問題】pokemon go招式學習器?推薦回答


The Pokémon Company International, a subsidiary of The Pokémon Company in Japan, manages the property outside of Asia and is responsible for brand management, licensing, marketing, the Pokémon Trad...

作者:Daniels, D. D.

Pokemon Go has in a matter of weeks become an internet phenomenon. It made $14 million for its creators since launch, and it's breaking all sorts of records and topping download charts. But why? Wh...

作者:Whitehill, Simcha

Over her two-decade-long career, Simcha has written for Pokémon, Disney, Nick Jr., and Nickelodeon. It all started when Simcha was a student at New York University, where she landed an internship a...


  ★每一張寶可夢貼紙都Q軟又亮麗的喔!   ◆簡潔包裝方便攜帶。   *適讀年齡:3歲以上  


  由溫暖群島形成的南方國度『阿羅拉』!!   藥劑師少女滿月來到這處圍繞在全年盛開的繽紛花朵中,朝氣蓬勃的地區!!   在海邊遇見的少年昇陽是『搬運家』…!!?   又是打工、又是存錢,並且參加全力對戰,   開朗快活的寶可夢SP新章,就此開幕~~!!!!   本書特色   改編自超人氣電玩遊戲「寶可夢 太陽&月亮」。   以遊戲世界觀為背景,描繪出精采的故事與對戰!   作者簡介 ...

作者:Kusaka, Hidenori

Hidenori Kusaka is the writer for VIZ Media’s Pokémon Adventures. Running continuously for over 20 years, Pokémon Adventures is the only manga series to completely cover all the Pokémon games and h...


Tracey West has written more than 300 books for children and young adults, including the New York Times bestselling Dragon Masters series, the Pixie Tricks series, and the Hiro’s Quest series. She ...


  在拼湊與組合的過程中,訓練幼兒眼與手的協調能力,以及培養對圖形辨識的概念,真正達到寓教於樂的學習目的。   ★以日本人氣卡通品牌 「寶可夢」為主題設計,提高幼兒學習的興趣與學習力。   ▲拼圖裁切片數:20或40片二種。   恕不指定片數則採隨機方式出貨。   *適用年齡:4歲以上  

作者:Kusaka, Hidenori

Hidenori Kusaka is the writer for VIZ Media’s Pokémon Adventures. Running continuously for over 20 years, Pokémon Adventures is the only manga series to completely cover all the Pokémon games and h...

作者:Harukaze, Santa


  搬運家昇陽在美樂美樂島舉辦的淘汰賽中脫穎而出,搭船出航!   接獲的工作是尋找四島的卡璞,「諸島巡禮」!   在阿卡拉島跟隊長們對戰,   還遭遇神祕生命體!然後終於發動的Z招式究竟是…!?   全力展開大冒險,   解開來自空中的裂縫另一側,逼近阿羅拉的威脅之謎!!!! 本書特色   改編自超人氣電玩遊戲「寶可夢 太陽&月亮」。   以遊戲世界觀為背景,描繪出精采的故事與對戰!  ...


SIMCHA WHITEHILL lives in New York City, but has spent much of her career in the world of Pokémon. A graduate of New York University, she began working on the American show production team, has had...

