

  強敵──艾絲普莉襲擊重整戰力準備再戰的艾克斯等人!   能在日晷發光的1個小時內找到超進化石嗎?   再加上「卡洛斯地方的第3隻傳說中的神奇寶貝」基格爾德也跟著出現!!   以百刻市為舞台展開的激烈戰鬥,結果究竟鹿死誰手…!? 本書特色   ●改編自超人氣電玩遊戲《神奇寶貝》XY系列。以遊戲《神奇寶貝》的世界觀為背景,描繪出精采的故事劇情與對戰,廣受讀者喜愛。   ●青文數位漫畫誌...

作者:Shapiro, Rebecca

Jeanette Lane grew up in the Midwest, climbing trees and riding horses. In college, she spent a semester in Japan long before Pokémon were on her radar. These days, she lives in Brooklyn, New York,...






Jeanette Lane grew up in the Midwest, climbing trees and riding horses. In college, she spent a semester in Japan long before Pokémon were on her radar. These days, she lives in Brooklyn, New York,...

作者:Kusaka, Hidenori

Hidenori Kusaka is the writer for VIZ Media’s Pokémon Adventures. Running continuously for over 20 years, Pokémon Adventures is the only manga series to completely cover all the Pokémon games and h...

作者:Somers, Sabrina

Sabrina Somers is a designer of crochet patterns, with a love for amigurumi. She is the author of Pocket Amigurumi for Search Press. She lives with her son and two cats in Amsterdam, Netherlands.


We believe in the power of discovery. That’s why we create books for everyone that explore ideas and nurture curiosity about the world we live in. From first words to the Big Bang, from the wonder...

作者:Daye, Evie

Evie Daye grew up playing the Pokémon card game and watching the show with her brothers. Though she loves too many of the Pokémon to name, some of her favorites are Togepi, Wigglytuff, and Umbreon....

作者:Kusaka, Hidenori

Hidenori Kusaka is the writer for VIZ Media’s Pokémon Adventures. Running continuously for over 20 years, Pokémon Adventures is the only manga series to completely cover all the Pokémon games and h...

作者:Whitehill, Simcha

Over her two-decade-long career, Simcha has written for Pokémon, Disney, Nick Jr., and Nickelodeon. It all started when Simcha was a student at New York University, where she landed an internship a...

作者:Whitehill, Simcha

Over her two-decade-long career, Simcha has written for Pokemon, Disney, Nick Jr., and Nickelodeon. It all started when Simcha was a student at New York University, where she landed an internship a...

作者:Kusaka, Hidenori

Hidenori Kusaka is the writer for VIZ Media’s Pokémon Adventures. Running continuously for over 20 years, Pokémon Adventures is the only manga series to completely cover all the Pokémon games and h...


  ★以最熱門的話題動畫-寶可夢 為主題設計,可以提高幼兒學習的興趣、學習力。   ◆在拼湊與組合的過程中,無形間即在訓練幼兒眼與手的協調能力,以及培養對圖形辨識的概念,真正達到寓教於樂的學習目的。   ▲拼圖數60片。  


  ◆玩拼圖可激發小朋友推理思考能力並增進手眼協調,提高挫折忍受度,增加觀察力,培養耐心與專注力。   ◆本產品為300片的拼圖,完成尺寸為38×26CM。   *適用年齡:8歲以上  

