

  2021年新增──   .有關《民法》下修成年年齡為18歲,個人所得稅、遺贈稅及不動產相關稅負的全面影響   .政府為扼止房地產投機炒作的最新相關租稅措施。   每年5月你收到稅單會不會心痛?你會不會想要少繳點稅?   你心裡是否有個疑問,每年到底是在繳什麼稅?   多數人年年心痛、年年疑惑,但是從不採取行動。   本書解決你陳年的「痛」和「疑慮」,   讓你知道個人所得稅制是怎麼一回...


Deirdre A. Gaquin has been a data use consultant to private organizations, government agencies, and universities for nearly 30 years. Prior to that, she was Director of Data Access Services at Data...

作者:Human Rights Watch

HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH is one of the world’s leading independent organizations dedicated to defending and protecting human rights, and operates in more than eighty countries. Its annual World Report is...


Martha Cheng came to Hawaii for a boy and stayed for its food, ocean, and people. She is the former food editor of Honolulu Magazine and now writes feature stories for local and national publicatio...

作者:Vandome, Nick


The board of the Metropolitan Museum of Art consists of Niv Allon, Jean-François de Lapérouse, Isabelle Duvernois, Maryam Ekhtiar, Melanie Holcomb, Mark McDonald, Iris Moon, Joseph Scheier-Dolberg,...

作者:Vandome, Nick

作者:Lonely Planet




  本套書為「專技人員普考-不動產經紀人考試」專用,內容涵蓋:   1. 不動產經紀人 強登金榜寶典-不動產估價概要   2. 不動產經紀人 強登金榜寶典-土地法與土地相關稅法概要   3. 不動產經紀人 強登金榜寶典-不動產經紀相關法規概要   4. 不動產經紀人 強登金榜寶典-民法概要   ★口碑推薦實績!強登老師的好,讓上榜考生親自告訴你......★   您好,我是在11/5下單...

