Hands-On English Teaching: A Complete Guide with Classroom Management Techniques演練式英語教學: 班級經營策略全指引 | 運動資訊第一站 - 2024年10月

Hands-On English Teaching: A Complete Guide with Classroom Management Techniques演練式英語教學: 班級經營策略全指引

作者:Alex Rath
出版社:Rath Media Co., Ltd.

  A Powerful and Dynamic Instructional System
  Increase Student Speaking and Writing
  Help Students to Become Fluent in English
  Maximize Classroom Learning for Students
  Learn the Secrets of Classroom Management
  Works with Any Textbook

Alex Rath
  Alex Rath (徐國華) has been teaching for nearly 30 years. Currently an associate professor in the English Department at Shih Hsin University in Taipei, Rath has also taught in the SHU Language Center and in the College of Education at the University of Louisiana in Lafayette. He has published 25 articles and five books, including a grammar book which was reprinted 20 times. Rath earned his Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1995. Before UIUC, Rath was a junior and senior high school teacher.


Part I: Setting Instructional Stage
Lesson 001: Introducing Hands-On English Teaching
Lesson 002: Starting on Time
Lesson 003: Assigning Seats
Lesson 004: Introducing Yourself
Lesson 005: Discussing Class Time
Lesson 006: Discussing Attendance
Lesson 007: Discussing Breaks
Lesson 008: Stating Class Rules

Part II: Preparing Classroom Structures
Lesson 009: Greeting Students
Lesson 010: Monitoring Late Arrivals
Lesson 011: Banning Distractions
Lesson 012: Projecting Lesson Plans
Lesson 013: Quieting Down a Class
Lesson 014: Checking Textbooks
Lesson 015: Collecting Student Data
Lesson 016: Making Biopages
Lesson 017: Making Biobooks
Lesson 018: Updating Biobooks
Lesson 019: Requiring Header Paper
Lesson 020: Explaining Homework Procedures
Lesson 021: Collecting Secret Codes
Lesson 022: Describing Online Document Submission
Lesson 023: Explaining Paper Security
Lesson 024: Requiring Document Filenames
Lesson 025: Demonstrating the Upload Process
Lesson 026: Collecting Paper Copies in Class
Lesson 027: Collecting Classroom Data
Lesson 028: Writing Teacher Notes
Lesson 029: Managing Student Data Spreadsheets

Part III: Running Participatory Activities
Lesson 030: Requiring Classroom Contribution
Lesson 031: Selecting Student Presenters
Lesson 032: Guiding Student Readers
Lesson 033: Guiding Student Writers
Lesson 034: Guiding Student Computer Operators
Lesson 035: Writing Lesson Plans
Lesson 036: Selecting Textbook Activities
Lesson 037: Incorporating Speaking and Writing
Lesson 038: Introducing Mispronunciation
Lesson 039: Explaining Mispronunciation
Lesson 040: Describing Types of Oral Language
Lesson 041: Requiring Complete Sentences
Lesson 042: Correcting Sentence Structure Errors
Lesson 043: Explaining Evaluation
Lesson 044: Displaying Grades and Line Graphs
Lesson 045: Trying New Instructional Activities

3.1 Assigned Seats
8.1 Class Rules
10.1 Late Student Sign-in Sheet
12.1 Couse Schedule LANG107 Spring 2019
16.1 Biopage 01 Handout
16.2 Biopage 02 Handout
19.1 Header Paper Sample
19.2 Header Format Instructions
20.1 Composition-01
21.1 Secret Codes
22.1 Online Submission
26.1 Audio-01 Assignment
27.1 Late Arrivals
31.1 Contribution Checklist
35.1 Lesson Plan Sample
37.1 Class Coverage Tool
43.1 Grading Key Example
44.1 Grade Spreadsheet
44.2 Line Graph with Markers

Figures and Tables
Figure 1: The three major parts of the Hands-On English Teaching process
Figure 2: The placement and interaction of teachers and students during a Hands-On English Teaching class
Table 1: The interaction between teacher and students during Part III of the Hands-On English Teaching process

  雖然這個教學系統中含有大量的演練式活動,包含了許多英語口說課跟寫作的成分,但此課程之規畫依然要從其課程目標開始,並透過實作演練活動來確認學生是否達成課程目標。老師需要在第一堂課向學生說明課程目標跟教學方法。課程目標跟教學方法都講解清楚後,日後上課就不用花太多時間回顧課程結構跟教學流程,這樣就有更多的時間可以進行實作演練活動,讓學生發展其口說以及寫作的技巧與能力。這堂課的教學系統最主要目標是為了讓學生多練習口說跟寫作,次要目標包含各方面能力的提升,如文法、單字、聽力、閱讀、聽從指令以及修飾用字。和傳統課程相比, 演練式教學需要老師跟學生花較多時間參予學習過程。

Lesson 001  Introducing Hands-On English Teaching Hands-On English Teaching is an instructional system for general English classes, which can also be described as four-skill courses or applied English classes. Since students will need some English on the job, the focus is speaking and writing, as students need to develop effective communication skills. Students from all majors take English courses. Teachers select topics and textbook content based on the skill level of students in their sections and their professional expertise. As a result, the content of many general English courses is highly variable. Given the lack of a standardized English curriculum, focusing on an instructional system means that it can be applied to many types of English courses. Not every instructional system works. The Hands-On English Teaching system described in this book requires teachers to coach students during numerous practice activities. The instructional system in this class, which can be called Hands-On English Teaching, or can be described as “chalk, walk, and talk,” can work with any applied English textbook, whether a four-skill textbook or a book which focuses one or two areas, such as a reading and writing textbook. An instructional system is a teaching method, and therefore it can be used with many curriculum areas. In fact, this book is close to a methods class in a college of education which covers all manner of teaching techniques. While no book can replace a four-year degree in education or a graduate degree in English language and literature, this book aims to review all the techniques taught in teacher training classes in an English teaching degree program.
