Gabi Veit: Creatura Geschöpf | 運動資訊第一站 - 2024年7月

Gabi Veit: Creatura Geschöpf

作者:Marobin, Nichka/ Mazumdar, Pravu

- Spoons - the most elementary cultural object worldwide - transformed into art- Gabi Veit explores the possibilities of designIn her monograph Creatura - Gesch pf, the Bozen-born artist Gabi Veit takes an artistic stance on one of the most elementary cultural objects in the world: the spoon. From basic geometric simplicity - the handle as a line and the bowl as a circle - she develops an overwhelming variety of metal objects that both raise and answer questions. Who gives and who receives, what can be taken and be taken from? It is a play on the symbolism of abundance and emptiness. Each metal object is an expression of inexhaustible imagination and a playful engagement with the possibilities of design. The silver spoons have a head and a body, are handle and leg. They are blossom, fruit and leaf. They march to a different tune and speak to one another, as well as to the beholder and the user. Each spoon tells a story. Text in English, German and Italian.

Gabi Veit (b. 1968) studied graphic advertising in Innsbruck (AT) and Venice (IT). In 1994, she set up her own agency. From 2008 to 2011 she studied contemporary jewelry at Alchimia in Florence (IT). Since 2011, she has run her own workshop in Bozen (IT) and near Zurich (CH).
