如何寫道地的商用英文(From Chinglish to English) | 運動資訊第一站 - 2024年7月

如何寫道地的商用英文(From Chinglish to English)


  《如何寫道地的商用英文》是專為以中文為母語的學生而設計的英文書信寫作指導。值得一提的是,本書著重邊修改邊學習的過程,而非一古腦兒地將標準答案灌輸到學生的腦子裏。透過課堂上學生們自發性的討論、思考與不斷的改寫、練習,學生們可以逐漸熟練道地的英文,建立起正確的書信寫作習慣,寫出一封封意思清楚、格式正確、結構完整的商業英文書信。  本書共分十個單元;每個單元一開始都提供一封「中式英文」的商業書信,再根據信中可能有問題的地方引導學生進行討論,每個單元並提示一個常犯的錯誤習慣,如濫用片語、結構不對稱、大小寫誤用......等等。在每一單元的後半部再由學生自己進行修改,先由句子的層次開始,然後再進入整體修改的層次,最後並提供一個類似的情境讓學生自己嘗試寫一封完整的英文書信。使學生得以真正學以致用,在實地演練的過程中打下最紮實的商用英文基礎。 From Chinglish to English A Book of Revision Skills for Chinese Speakers of English From Chinglish to English is a revision skills book written specifically for Chinese speakers of English - although it can be used just as effectively with students from other cultural backgrounds. Through various examples and exercises, it shows students how to revise their business letters so that they are well - organized, clear, and easy to read and understand. Each chapter contains: A ”Chinglish” Letter. Each of the ten chapters contains an actual Chinglish letter. Chinglish letters use English words, but everything else about them is more or less Chinese. Discussion Questions. The students are encouraged to talk to each other and the teacher to make sure they understand the situation presented in the Chinglish letter and know what areas they need to revise. Style Fitness. Each chapter introduces an essential business writing style that the students can benefit from incorporating into their business letters. Sentence Revision Skills. This exercise helps students learn how to revise their grammatical and stylistic problems in their sentences. Holistic Revision and Rewrite. Here the students learn how best to logically link and organize information in their letters. Composition Skills. Unlike the guided exercises above, here the students get to write a letter on their own, checking to see if they are able to apply all the techniques they have learned from the previous exercises.
