Nick Sharratt《童話故事73變》獨家限量套書(5冊合售) | 運動資訊第一站 - 2024年7月

Nick Sharratt《童話故事73變》獨家限量套書(5冊合售)

作者:Nick Sharratt

《童話故事73變》獨家遊戲繪本套書 (5冊合售)

Nick Sharratt《童話故事73變》獨家遊戲繪本套書,內含5本超驚奇百變故事,快來收集:

1.Pirate Pete  (小海盜大探險)

  歐歐歐!看過來看過來!小海盜準備搭船出發到大海裡冒險囉!沿途中他會在天上看到什麼呢?而深海底又會發現什麼呢?找到的寶藏箱內又會有什麼驚人的秘密呢? 最有趣的是,小海盜冒險旅途中所看到的、發現的、尋找到的秘密和一切的一切---都「由.你.決.定」。

  書內附贈5張卡片,每張卡片上有6個可以取下的卡通造型圖卡,供小讀者將不同的可愛圖卡 (共30張),插入故事內頁的細長孔內,便可創造出「獨一無二」 的故事情節和結局。一方面激發孩子對故事情節發展的想像力,另一方面,訓練孩子處理故事內容的邏輯力和將故事說出口的口語表達能力。小海盜會在天上發現什麼呢?直昇機還是海鷗?還是飛天豬或飛碟呢?(文/ 博客來編譯)
  Ahoy there! Pirate Pete is about to set sail on a buccaneering adventure. What will he see in the sky and in the sea? And what's in the treasure chest? The reader decides! On each double page spread there are six cut-outs to choose from. Slot them into the picture to create a new story time and time again.

2.Once Upon a Time… (公主的三個願望)


  如果Pirate Pete (小海盜大探險) 是給小男生的,那Once Upon a Time… (公主的三個願望) 就是給小女生的。書內附贈5張卡片,每張卡片上有6個可以取下的卡通造型圖卡,供孩子將不同的可愛圖卡(共30張),插入故事內頁的細長孔內,便可「隨心所欲」創造出自己喜愛的故事情節和結局。公主在路上遇見了什麼,讓她可以許下願望呢?當小女生選擇「魔法仙女」時,多數的小男生則會選擇「魔法馬桶」並倒在一旁哈哈大笑。相同的故事主軸,但小男生和小女生的選擇,就真的有趣的應證「男女大不同」。(文/ 博客來編譯)

  In this choose-your-own adventure novelty book, each double spread has six different cutouts to choose from, so that children can create their own story over and over again
3.What’s in the Witch’s Kitchen? (巫婆廚房裡的秘密)

  巫婆在她神奇的廚房櫥櫃裡,藏了一個惡作劇和一個小點心!你會找到哪一個,取決於你如何打開翻頁,往上翻,還是往下翻好呢?小朋友可要好好決定喔!你翻到的會是香噴噴的爆米花 (popcorn) 還是噁心的青蛙卵 (frogspawn) ; 甜甜的棒棒糖 (lollipops) 或是臭臭的兔子便便 (rabbit plops) 呢?每個二選一的翻頁都令人拍案叫絕並且還押韻呢!內容逗趣且驚喜度滿滿,別出心裁的互動式翻頁設計,保證讓大小讀者忍不住一玩再玩。(文/ 博客來編譯)

  The witch has hidden a trick and a treat in her magical kitchen cupboards! Which one you find depends on how you open the doors. Whether it's frogspawn or popcorn, lollipops or rabbit plops, there are hilarious rhymes to discover inside in this innovative new novelty book from Nick Sharratt. Perfect for children to read again and again, this spooky title is great not only for Halloween but all year round.

4.The Foggy, Foggy Forest  (是誰躲在霧濃濃的森林裡?)

  在這濃濃大霧的森林裡,會有什麼呢?本書運用堆疊的黑白影像排版,試圖營造出埋藏在厚厚大霧中的神秘感並在每頁給予小讀者下一頁準備登場人物的輪廓,讓大小朋友發揮無限的想像力,一起來猜猜看,翻頁過後會是哪位令人「意想不到」的童話故事主角,用「出人意表」的姿態,出現在這霧濃濃的森林裡呢?(文/ 博客來編譯)

  What can that be in the foggy, foggy forest? Whether it’s a fairy queen on a trampoline, three brown bears on picnic chairs, or an ogre doing yoga, children will love trying to guess what each foggy silhouette will be. Take a trip through the mysterious misty landscape – hilarious fairytale fun lies around every corner.

5.My Mum and Dad Make Me Laugh (我哈哈大笑的原因)

  我媽媽和爸爸,常逗得我哈哈大笑。因為我媽媽瘋狂的喜歡「點點」--- 洋裝上一定要有「點點」、「點點」的耳環 、「點點」的壁紙。夏天是這樣,冬天也是這樣。如果說我媽媽是「點點」控,那我爸爸就是「條紋」控囉!「條紋」西裝搭配「條紋」領帶和「條紋」圍巾,連吃的糖果都要有條紋的花樣,真的很好笑!一個什麼都要有「點點」的媽媽和一個什麼都要有「條紋」的爸爸,卻生下了只喜歡「灰色」的我,難怪他們也覺得我很好笑。隨著全書進行,大小讀者會發現,主角只喜歡「灰色」是有原因的,這個線索出現在故事的每一頁內,讓我們陪著孩子一起發揮敏銳的觀察力,把答案找出來吧。

  Mum is crazy about spots – spotty clothes, spotty wallpaper, spotty games like dominoes; Dad loves stripes – stripy suits and stripy ties, stripy humbug sweets. No wonder they make their son laugh – mind you, they think that he's funny in his grey patternless clothes. When they go to the safari park, Mum goes wild about the big cats, while Dad enthuses over the zebras. Packed with glorious patterns of stripes and spots, this book also contains a clue on each spread as to the nature of the little boy's obsession – from a pink elephant toothbrush-holder in the bathroom to a bun in the cafe!



  Nick Sharratt is a popular children's book artist, well known for illustrating the books of Jacqueline Wilson. He has also written and illustrated many of his own books including My Mum and Dad Make Me Laugh (9780744594997) and What's in the Witch's Kitchen? (9781406322279) as well as Eat Your Peas, which won the 2001 Children's Book Award and Pants, which won the picture book category of the 2003 Children's Book Award. Nick lives in Brighton.
