會展實用英語(讀寫篇) | 運動資訊第一站 - 2024年10月







Chapter 1 The MICE Industry and the World Expo 會展業和世博會
Section A Reading Assignment       11
What Is MICE?        12
Section B Case Study       19
Types of Meetings   20
Section C Format Writing        21
Exhibition Manuals 會展指南        21

Chapter 2 MICE Planning 會展策劃
Section A Reading Assignment       27
Who Plans and Holds Meetings?     28
Section B Case Study       34
The Convention Marketing Mix       34
Section C Format Writing        35
Business Letters 商業信函     35

Chapter 3 Event Sponsorship 會展融資
Section A Reading Assignment       47
Identifying Potential Sponsors 47
Section B Case Study       56
Sponsorship of ICT 2002 56
Section C Format Writing        64
Part 1 Visiting Card 名片       64
Part 2 Memo 內部通知  66

Chapter 4 Event Marketing 會展營銷
Section A Reading Assignment       71
Online Event Marketing   72
Section B Case Study       78
Clever E-mail   78
Section C Format Writing        79
Part 1 Invitation Letter 邀請信       79
Part 2 Invitation Card 邀請卡 84
Part 3 Acceptance and Regret 回帖與辭謝    86

Chapter 5 Negotiations 談判
Section A Reading Assignment       89
Negotiating Tactics  89
Section B Case Study       98
To Be a Skilled Negotiator       98
Section C Format Writing        100
Contract 合約 100

Chapter 6 Logistics 物流
Section A Reading Assignment       111
The Logistics Value-Added Process        111
Section B Case Study       118
Event Shipping Services  119
Section C Format Writing        120
Bill of Lading 提單        120
Invoice發票   121
Application Form For Cargo Transportation Insurance貨物運輸保險投保單       122
Declaration Form報關單        125
Certificate of Origin產地證明書    131

Chapter 7 Exhibit Space Preparation and Decoration 展臺搭建
Section A Reading Assignment       137
Key Factors for Successful Events   137
Section B Case Study       144
Theme Building of the Event   145
Section C Format Writing        146
Part 1 Notice 通告  146
Part 2 Leaflet 傳單 149

Chapter 8 Event Information Management 會展資訊管理
Section A Reading Assignment       155
The Guest Package System      156
Section B Case Study       162
Stages of IT Implementation    162
Section C Format Writing        164
E-mail 電子郵件    164

Chapter 9 Food and Beverage Service 會展餐飲服務
Section A Reading Assignment       167
Banquet Room Reservation, Assignment and Setup        168
Section B Case Study       182
Dining Service Styles and Procedures      182
Section C Format Writing        184
Function Sheet 餐飲服務訂單       184

Chapter 10 Event Finance 會展財務
Section A Reading Assignment       189
Successful Budgeting      189
Section B Case Study       198
The Budget for the ASEM 2000 Conference   198
Section C Format Writing        200
Financial Statements—Balance Sheet 財務報表——收支平衡表        200

Chapter 11 Overseas Exhibition 出展管理
Section A Reading Assignment       209
Shipment, Insurance and Stand        209
Section B Case Study       218
Show Rules and Regulations Concerning the Exhibitors 218
Section C Format Writing        223
Reservation Fax預訂傳真      224

Chapter 12 Event Management 展覽現場管理
Section A Reading Assignment       227
All for the Big Day  228
Section B Case Study       236
Wi-Fi Success at a Film Festival       236
Section C Format Writing        243
Opening Address 開幕致辭   243

Chapter 13 Security, Safety and Risk Management 安保與風險管理
Section A Reading Assignment       251
Handling Hazards that Might Arise  252
Section B Case Study       260
The First Theft at the Kongju National Museum      260
Section C Format Writing        262
Safety Requirements of Science Fair Rules 科技展覽會安全規章        262

Chapter 14 Pre-Post Convention Tours 會前會後旅遊
Section A Reading Assignment       269
Tour Proposals 269
Section B Case Study       275
Section C Format Writing        277
Post-meeting Tours Itinerary 會後旅遊路線  277

Chapter 15 Event Evaluation 會展評估
Section A Reading Assignment       283
Event Evaluation Approaches  284
Section B Case Study       291
Follow up on the Japanese Propaganda Exhibition in Perkins 291
Section C Format Writing        292
Evaluation Meeting and Report 評估會議和評估報告 292

Chapter 16 Handling Problems and Complaints 會展問題與投訴處理
Section A Reading Assignment       299
Handling Problems and Complaints 300
Section B Case Study       307
ABC Convention Corporation Guest Satisfaction Questionnaire      307
Section C Format Writing        314
Reply to a Guest Complaint 回覆投訴信       314
