Newmark Fun Reading Book 3 (with MP3) | 運動資訊第一站 - 2024年7月

Newmark Fun Reading Book 3 (with MP3)

作者:Strom,Laura Layton,Fuerst,Jeffrey B.

  配備:附MP3 (美式發音)


  Fun Reading Book 1-4 是Bookman旗下Cherry出版公司與美國Newmark   Learning 合作的一套兒童文學故事有聲讀本。

  Fun Reading這套四冊的分級閱讀故事讀本,內容包含各種不同類別的故事體裁,豐富了讀者的文學知識,為讀者能循序漸進的提升文學素養。


  • 作者的創作技巧 Author’s Craft
  • 閱讀理解 Comprehension
  • 字彙學習 Word Study
  • 聽力練習 Listening MP3

  Keelboat Annie龍骨船安妮

  • Tall Tale (吹牛故事)
  • Words Count 452
  • Keelboat Annie does not like bullies! She does not like bullies one bit! Find out how this tall tale heroine brings her own brand of justice to the South.

  • 密西西比河上的龍骨船長安妮不喜歡欺凌弱小,尤其是多數人欺侮一個。這則女英雄故事中,龍骨船安妮展現了何為南方的正義。

  Belling the Cat給貓掛鈴鐺

  • Fable (寓言故事)
  • Words Count 474
  • The mice must try to figure out how to protect themselves from the house cat. One young mouse has a great idea. But will he have the courage to bell the cat?

  • 為了保護老鼠家族,老鼠們必需對抗貓。年輕小老鼠提出一個想法,替貓掛上鈴噹,可是牠有勇氣去執行嗎?

  How Rabbit Lost His Tail為何兔子會失去長尾巴

  • Pourquoi Tale (“為什麼”的故事)
  • Words Count 505
  • Have you ever seen a fluffy bunny tail? They are puffy like cotton balls. Did you know rabbits used to have long tails like squirrels?

  • 你看過兔子毛絨絨的尾巴嗎?兔子尾巴就像一顆綿花球。你知道兔子尾巴也曾像松鼠一樣長嗎?

  The Dog and the Wolf狗與狼

  • Fable (寓言故事)
  • Words Count 531
  • Is it better to be a dog without freedom who has his meals provided or a wolf who is free and captures his own food? Read this Aesop's tale and decide.

  • 伊索寓言中的狗與狼,被圈養餵食的狗失去自由,和擁有自由卻要辛苦覓食的狼,哪一種比較好?

  Why Hummingbirds Drink Nectar為何蜂鳥只吃花蜜

  • Pourquoi Tale (“為什麼”的故事)
  • Words Count 484
  • Legend has it that hummingbirds ate fish. In this pourquoi American Indian tale, you'll hear an explanation of why hummingbirds dine only on nectar today.

  • 在美洲印第安傳說,蜂鳥以前會吃魚,但後來因為一些原因,現今的蜂鳥變成只吃花蜜。

  Pecos Bill and Sluefoot Sue旋風牛仔:比爾與蘇

  • Tall Tale (吹牛故事)
  • Words Count 510
  • Cowboy hero Pecos Bill has one true love and that is Sluefoot Sue. He first sees her when she is riding a catfish down the Rio Grande.

  • 旋風牛仔比爾有一位真愛,蘇。當他第一次遇見蘇,她正騎著一隻格蘭德河的鯰魚。
