英語演講比賽(1DVD影音光碟) | 運動資訊第一站 - 2024年10月


作者:Bill Quinn

空英雜誌創辦人Doris Brougham誠摯推薦








  1. 針對演講各項細節、時間分配與準備進程都有專業經驗分析與心得分享,是一本可以讓學生開心準備,讓教師放心採用,讓主辦單位有所依循的全能指南。
  2. 全英文撰寫,搭配全文英文配音,可隨時聽讀,增進英語聽力、閱讀等各方面的實力。
  3. 用字輕鬆易懂,檢附生字標示,遇到不懂的單字還可以隨時查看,對照當頁的英文解釋。
  4. 全書中譯可協助初階程度的英文學習者讀懂本書,達到更有效率的學習成果。
  5. 檢附DVD影音檔,收錄書中各處示範影片及全文MP3,方便讀者在電腦上收看。
  6. 示範影片檔亦在書中製作成QR Code,方便有智慧型裝置的職場人士即時觀看學習。

  “Learning how to give a speech in English is a human capital investment. You have to put your time into this skill, in order to leverage it as a powerful tool in your career.”
  「學好如何用英語演說是對自身實力的一大投資,這種技能是往後職涯的強大利器,必須好好花時間學習。」—元大金控策略長 王正新

  “The English Speech Contest will prepare students not just for contests, but for their future.”
  「《英文演講比賽》不只能幫學生準備演講,更有助他們的未來。」—民視英語新聞主播 李顗恩

  “Mastering English is a lifelong journey, and speech contests have helped make my dreams come true. So, what’s your dream? I can do it, and so can you!”
  「精通英文是段漫長之路,而演講比賽已經助我夢想成真了。那麼你的夢想是什麼?我做得到,你也可以!」—台南天主教德光中學教師 徐蕙蘭

  “As an experienced judge in many speech contests, Bill provides insight into how to make public speaking more enjoyable for both speakers and audiences.”
  「Bill曾身為多場演講比賽的專業評審,提供許多讓演說更加引人入勝的洞見。」—台北內湖達人女中教師 劉逸竹


Bill Quinn



  校園之外,也為業界安排職訓課程及簡報,服務過的公司行號包括華碩、Garmin 衛星導航、巴黎萊雅、元大金控。政府機關則有內政部警政署、中央銀行、人事行政局、證券投資信託暨顧問、商業同業公會(SITCA),以及南港軟體園區、新竹科學園區和台南科技工業區。


致謝辭 3
前言 9
1 簡介 21
2 為什麼要發表演說 33
3 為演講做準備:講稿字數 47
4 撰寫引言 60
5 撰寫演講主文 78
6 撰寫講稿結論 97
7 讓電腦成為最佳幫手 111
8 向英語母語人士請教 121
9 熟背你的講稿 136
10 演練你的演說 153
11 微調潤飾你的演說 171
12 演講比賽的當天和前一晚 185
13 演講比賽 199
14 預先準備式的演講結束過後 211
15 為即席演講做準備 234
16 發表即席演講 263
17 演講比賽結束了 279
18 未來之路 288

Acknowledgements 1
Forward by Doris Brougham 7
Audio and Video Track Lists 11
1 Introduction 15
2 Why Give a Speech 25
3 Preparing Your Speech Word Count 39
4 Writing the Introduction 53
5 Writing the Body of Your Speech 65
6 Writing the Conclusion of Your Speech 87
7 Getting Help from Your Computer 105
8 Asking a Native Speaker for Some Help 115
9 Memorizing Your Speech 125
10 Practice Performing Your Speech 145
11 Fine Tuning Your Speech 159
12 The Night Before and the Day of Your Speech 179
13 The Contest 189
14 After the Prepared Speeches are Finished 205
15 Preparing for the Impromptu Speech 215
16 Giving the Impromptu Speech 249
17 The End of the Speech Contest 271
18 The Road Ahead 283


  There are times in our lives when we are all called on to give some kind of speech. It’s not easy though to prepare for such an occasion. The English Speech Contest is the book you need to be better prepared.

  Learning a new language involves four main parts; reading, writing, listening and speaking. Each one requires much study, homework and practice—there is no magic formula for learning English or any other language—just hard work and repetition.

  Over the years I’ve seen many students who are capable of reading and writing English very well. Listening is challenging, because of the different speeds, accents and pronunciations that people use. But for many foreign language learners speaking is their biggest challenge.

  Some students are shy, and others simply don’t have the opportunities to talk with native speakers. One of the best ways to improve your spoken English is through public speaking, which is why most schools have speech contests.

  Speech contests force students to apply some of the language skills they have learned, in a manner that pushes them to be better. In particular, speech contests force students to use good writing skills to prepare a speech, and then students must use their speaking skills to communicate with an audience.

  Unfortunately, most students have never been trained in how to prepare and give an effective speech. Plus, many teachers are so busy that they don’t have time to train each individual student in this process. That is why Bill Quinn wrote this book—to provide a helpful guide for students and teachers on how to prepare for public speaking and speech contests. Bill has worked with Studio Classroom for over ten years, mainly as the host of the Advanced Magazine radio program. Prior to joining Studio Classroom he spent nearly twenty years in the business world, in sales and marketing, so Bill understands the importance of being a good speaker in real-life situations.

  During his time with Studio Classroom he had the opportunity to judge over 100 speech contests around Taiwan, and Bill noticed that most students weren’t being adequately prepared for this most important life skill. In addition, most students and teachers didn’t understand how important it is for their future success. Of the four basic building blocks of learning a language—reading, writing, listening and speaking, being able to confidently speak the language is the most important. Speaking is our most effective tool, in any language, so it’s important that we are comfortable with that. This book isn’t just about winning speech contests; this book is about preparing for life and learning a valuable skill that you will use throughout your career. And this is for all students, because today’s shy student could become tomorrow’s successful leader. Our job as teachers is to give students the right tools and instruction to help them make progress, each day.

  我們的一生中總會遇到某些場合必須被請上台,發表某種類型的演說。然而,為這樣的場合做準備可不是一件輕鬆容易的事。《英語演講比賽》(The English Speech Contest)就是一本你需要未雨綢繆的工具書。



  很可惜,大多數學生從未受過相關訓練,不能知曉如何準備並呈現一場成效顯著的演說。再者,許多為人師者也因為公事繁忙,無法抽出時間為學生在準備演講的過程中進行個別訓練。這也是Bill Quinn決定提筆寫下這本書的動機,他希望為需要準備公開演說及演講比賽的師生們,提供一本實用的入門書。Bill至今已與空中英語教室共事超過10年,期間主要擔任彭蒙惠進階英語廣播節目的主持人。在加入空中英語教室的團隊之前,他在業界從事市場行銷領域的工作也有近20年資歷,因此Bill深刻體認在實際生活中面對各種情況時,作為一名優秀演講者的重要性。


空英創辦人 Doris Brougham
