2021 史上最強的核心鍛鍊術:V訓練方法通通在這20本書中,助你有效對抗肌少
V. Sophie Klein is Lecturer in Classical Studies at Boston University, USA.
相隔三千年的穿越,命中注定再相遇時 是否還能激起當時的愛戀? 《被遺忘的埃及》系列是Ruowen Huang第一部進攻外文市場的作品,中文版系列也是由她親手執筆翻譯,故事裡頭許多情節與對話都值得讓人深思與體會。 故事裡每一個角色的扮演和詮釋,都能帶領人們探索生命的生離死亡、愛恨情仇,乃至因果輪迴等種種話題,或許,讀者也將在書中找自己…… 同時,書中也還原了古埃及阿門厚德三世執...
暢銷全球40年,銷量破千萬冊經典之作! 撒迦利亞‧西琴博士── 超越《上帝的指紋》,這部啟示性的大師級著作, 挑戰現存人類的生命起源論,顛覆宇宙觀與史前文明, 將永遠改變人類傳統歷史觀和命運觀的震撼之作。 本套書組合:《第12個天體:地球編年史第一部》+《通往天國的階梯:地球編年史第二部(全新校譯版)》+《眾神與人類的戰爭:地球編年史第三部(全新校譯版)》+《失落的國度:地球編年史第...
Andrew E. Steinmann is Distinguished Professor of Theology and Hebrew at Concordia University Chicago. He has authored a dozen books and numerous articles relating to Old Testament/Hebrew Bible, Bi...
A member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, Laura V. Hilton has authored more than two dozen Amish, contemporary, and historical romance novels. She is also a professional book reviewer for...
Carole Anne Eschenazi is an author based in Italy. Alexandra V. Bach is a celebrated digital artist from France who has been working as a book cover artist, CD cover artist, and character designer ...
Hanif Abdurraqib is a poet, essayist, and cultural critic from Columbus, Ohio. His poetry has been published in PEN American, Muzzle, Vinyl, and other journals, and his essays and criticism have b...
V.S. Alexander is an ardent student of history with a strong interest in music and the visual arts. Some of V.S.’s writing influences include Shirley Jackson, Oscar Wilde, Daphne du Maurier, or any...
.諾貝爾獎得主、動物行為學之父勞倫茲最膾炙人口的科普著作 .紐約公共圖書館「Books of the Century」自然科學類十大好書 .誠品書店《一生的讀書計畫》推薦 照我看來,所羅門王需要用到魔戒才能和動物交談,未免太遜了。 活潑潑的生命完全無須藉助魔法, 便能對我們述說至美至真的故事。--勞倫茲 傳說中,所羅門王有一只魔法戒指,戴上它就可以跟動物對話,...
This important book deals with the question of what the mechanical treatment of solids is, and why the reactivity of solids is changed as a result of mechanical treatment (called mechanical activat...
T. V. Reed is Professor of American Studies and English at Washington State University.
Jovica V. Milanovic, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Manchester, UK Jovica V. Milanovic joined The University of Manchester in January 1998 and is currently the D...
動畫第三期製作決定! 羅潔梅茵即將升上貴族院二年級! 領地內的派系紛爭也越演越烈…… 隨書附贈:「境界線上的婚禮和染布比賽」雙面拉頁海報! 特別收錄:番外篇〈在城堡的留守〉、〈人生的岔路〉、〈通往專屬的路〉+〈輕鬆悠閒的家族日常〉四格漫畫! 順利讓艾倫菲斯特的平民區煥然一新後,羅潔梅茵開始致力於讓領地蓬勃發展,好加強對其他領地的影響力。為此,居民的協助不可或缺。...
The series is devoted to the publication of high-level monographs which cover the whole spectrum of current nonlinear analysis and applications in various fields, such as optimization, control theo...